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This page provides a high level description of the architecture of Broker-J.

Broker-J is messaging broker that implements the AMQP protocols (version 0-8, 0-9, 0-91, 0-10 and 1.0).  Any AMQP compliant messaging library can be used with the Broker.  The Broker supports on the fly message translation from one AMQP protocol to another, meaning it is possible to use the Broker to allow clients that use different AMQP protocol version to exchange messages.  It can be managed over a built in HTTP interface (that presents a REST API and a Web Management Console), or by AMQP Management.

The Broker has a highly pluggable architecture that allows alternative implementations to be substituted for any concern.  For instance, you can simply build a module delegating to your own storage or own authentication provider linking to your enterprise authentication backend.

Broker-J is 100% pure Java.  It can be run standalone or embedded within another Java applications.


A tree of manageable categories, all of which extend of the interface ConfiguredObject, underpin the Broker.   A ConfiguredObject has zero or more attributes, zero or more children and zero or more context variable name/value pairs.  A ConfiguredObject may be persisted to a configuration store so its state can be restored when the Broker is restarted.

The manageable categories are arranged into a tree structure.  SystemConfig is at the root and has a single descendent Broker.  The Broker itself has children: PortAuthenticationProviderVirtualHostNode amongst others.   VirtualHostNode has a child VirtualHost.  The children of the VirtualHost are categories that directly involved in messaging such as Queue.  The diagram below illustrates the category hierarchy but many categories are elided for brevity.

Category Specializations

Some categories have specialisations.  An example is the category Queue.  It has specialisations corresponding to the queue types supported by the Broker e.g. StandardQueuePrirorityQueue etc.


Each ConfiguredObject instance has zero or more attributes.   Attributes have a name and a value which can be a Java primitive value or an instance of any class for which an AttributeValueConverter exist.  This mechanism allows attribute values to be Lists, Sets, Maps, or arbitrary structured types ManagedAttributeValues.

Attributes are marked up in the code with method annotations @ManagedAttribute which defines things whether the attribute is mandatory or mutable.  Attributes can also be marked a secure which indicates restrictions no how the attribute is used (used for attributes that that store passwords or private-keys).

Attributes can have default values.  The default value applies if the user omits to supply a value when the object is created.  Defaults themselves can be defined in terms of context variable references.

Context Variables

Each ConfiguredObject instance has zero or more context variable assignments.  These are simply name/value pairs where both name and value are strings.

When resolving an attribute's value, if the attribute's value (or attribute's default) contains a context variable reference (e.g.${foo}), the variable is first resolved using the ConfiguredObject's own context variables. If the ConfiguedObject has no definition for the context variable, the entity's parent is tried, then its grandparent and so forth, all the way until the SystemContext is reached.  If the SystemContext provides no value, the JVM's system properties are consulted.

A context variable's value can be defined in terms of other context variables. 

Context variables are useful for extracting environment specific information from configuration for instance path stems or port numbers.


ConfiguredObjects have a lifecycle.

A ConfiguredObject is created exactly once by a call its parent's #createChild() method.  This brings the object into existence.  It goes through a number of phases during creation (ConfiguredObject#create)

  1. resolution (where the attribute values are resolved and assigned to the object)
  2. creation validation (ensuring business rules are adhered to)
  3. registration with parents
  4. implementation specific creation (#onCreate)
  5. implementation specific opening (#onOpen)

When the Broker is restarted objects that exist in the configuration store are said to be recovered.  During recovery, they follow the opening (ConfiguredObject#open)

  1. resolution (where the attribute values are resolved and assigned to the object)
  2. validation (ensuring business rules are adhered to)
  3. implementation specific opening (#onOpen)

Some ConfiguredObjects support starting (ConfiguredObject#start()) and stopping (ConfiguredObject#stop()) but this have not yet been extended to all objects.

ConfiguredObject#delete() caused the object to be deleted.


Most configured object implementations extent AbstractConfiguredObject (ACO).  ACO provides the mechanics behind the configured implementations: attributes, context variables, state and lifecycle, and a listener mechanism: ConfigurationChangeListener.


The threading model used by the model must be understood before changes can be made safely.

The Broker and VirtualHost ConfiguredObject instances have a task executor backed by single configuration thread. Whenever the a configuration object needs to be changed, that change MUST be made by the nearest ancestor's configuration thread.  This approach ensures avoids the need to employ locking.  Any thread is allowed to observe the state of a ConfiguredObject at any time.  For this reasons, changes must be published safely so they can be read consistently by the observing threads.

The implementations of the mutating methods (#setAttributes(), #start(), #stop() etc) within AbstractConfiguredObject are already implemented to adhere to these rules.  

Configuration Persistence

ConfiguredObject categories such as SystemConfig and VirtualhostNode take responsibility for managing the storage of their children.  This is marked up in the model with the @ManagedObject annotation (#managesChildren). These objects utilise a DurableConfigurationStore to persist their durable children to storage.  ConfigurationChangeListener are used to trigger the update of the storage each time a ConfiguredObject is changed.

AMQP Transport Layer

At the high level, the transport layer

  1. accepts bytes from the wire and passes them to the protocol engines.
  2. pulls bytes from the protocol engines and pushes them down the wire.    

There are two AMQP Transport Layers in Broker-J.

  • Traditional TCP/IP connections
  • Websocket

We'll consider the two layers separately below.

The transport is responsible for TLS.  The TLS configuration is owned from the PortKeystore and Truststore model objects.  If so configured, it is the transport's responsibility to managed the TLS connection.


This layer is implemented from first principles using Java NIO.

It is non-blocking in nature.

It uses a Selector to monitor all connected sockets (and the accepting socket) for work.  Once work is detected (i.e. the selector returns) the connection work is serviced by threads drawn from an IO thread pool.  An eat-what-you-kill pattern is used to reduce dispatch latency.  This works in the following way.   The worker thread that performed the select, after adding all the ready connections to the work queue, adds the selector task to the work queue and then starts to process the work queue itself (this is the eat what you kill bit).  This approach potentially avoids the dispatch latency between the thread that performed select and another thread from the IO thread pool.   The Selector is the responsibility of the SelectorThread class.

A connections to a client is represented by a NonBlockingConnection instance.  The SelectorThread causes the NonBlockingConnections that require IO work to be executed (NonBlockingConnection#doWork) on a thread from an IO thread pool (owned by NetworkConnectionScheduler).  On each work cycle, the NonBlockingConnection first goes through a write phase where pending work is pulled from the protocol engine producing bytes for the wire in the process.  If all the pending work is sent completely (i.e. the outbound network buffer is not exhausted), the next phase is a read phase. The bytes are consumed from the channel and fed into the protocol engine.  Finally there is a further write phase to send any new bytes resulting from the input we have just read.   The write/read/write sequence is organised so in order that the Broker first evacuates as much state from memory as possible (thus freeing memory) before reading new bytes from the wire.

In addition to the NonBlockingConnection being scheduled when singled by the Selector, the Broker may need to awaken them at other times.  For instance, if a message arrives on a queue that is suitable for a consumer, the NonBlockingConnection associated with that consumer must awoken.   The mechanism that does this is NetworkConnectionScheduler#schedule method which adds it to the work queue.  This is wired to the protocol engine via a listener.


The only threads that execute NonBlockingConnnections are those of the NetworkConnectionScheduler.  Furthermore, it is imperative that no NonBlockingConnnection is executed by more than one thread at once.  It is the job of ConnectorProcessor to organise this exclusivity.   Updates made by NonBlockingConnnection must be published safely so they can be read consistently by the other threads in the pool.

There is a NetworkConnectionScheduler associated with each AMQP Port and each VirtiualHost.  When a connection is made to the Broker, the initial exchanges between peer and broker (protocol headers, authentication etc) take place on the thread pool of the NetworkConnectionScheduler of the Port.  Once the connection has indicated which VirtualHost it wishes to connect to, responsibility for the NonBlockingConnection shifts to the NetworkConnectionScheduler of the VirtualHost.  


The TCP/IP transport layer responds to the TLS configuration provided by the PortKeystore and Truststore model objects.  It does this using the NonBlockingConnectionDelegates.

  • The NonBlockingConnectionUndecidedDelegate is used to allow Plain/TLS port unification feature (that is support for plain and TLS from the same port).  It sniffs the initial incoming bytes to determine if the peer is trying to negotiate a TLS connection or not.  Once the determination is made one of the following delegates is substituted in its place.
  • NonBlockingConnectionTLSDelegate is responsible for TLS connections.  It feeds the bytes through an SSLEngine.

  • NonBlockingConnectionPlainDelegate is used for non-TLS connections.

Idle timeout

All versions of the AMQP protocol support the idea of the peers regularly passing null data to keep a wire that would otherwise by silent (during quiet times) busy.   This is called idle timeout or heartbeating. It is configured during connection establishment.  If a peer detects that a other has stopped sending this data, it can infer that the network connection has failed or the peer has otherwise become inoperable and close the connection.  Sending of the null data is the responsibility of the ServerIdleWriteTimeoutTicker.  Responsibility of detecting the absence of data from the peer is ServerIdleReadTimeoutTicker.   When the Selector blocks awaiting activity the timeout is the minimum timeout value of all Tickers.


AMQP 1.0 specification defines AMQP 1.0 over web sockets.  The earlier version of the protocols didn't do this but the implementation within the Broker actually any.

The websocket transport layer (WebSocketProvider)  uses Jetty's websocket module.  The methods of class AmqpWebSocket is annotated with the Jetty websocket annotations OnWebSocketConnectOnWebSocketMethod, and OnWebSocketClose.   The method implementation cause ProtocolEngine instances to the create, bytes passed to the engine, or closed respectively.   When the protocol engine signals the need to work, a Jetty thread is used to pull the pending bytes bytes from the protocol engine WebSocketProvider.ConnectionWrapper#doWork.  The websocket transport tries to remain as close to the TCP/IP transport layer.

The PortKeystore and Truststore model objects are used to configure the websocket connection according to the TLS requirements.

AMQP Protocol Engines

The ProtocolEngine:

  • accepts bytes from the transport (ProtocolEngine#received).  
  • exposes a public method (ProtocolEngine#processPendingIterator) which is used by the transport layer to pull pending tasks that produce bytes for the wire from the engine.

The engine never pushes bytes onto the transport.

Accepting bytes

The transport references an instance of the MultiVersionProtocolEngine.  Internally the MultiVersionProtocolEngine delegates to other ProtocolEngine implementations.  It switches from one implementation to another during this connection's life.

In this beginning, the MultiVersionProtocolEngine does not know which version of the AMQP protocol the peer wishes to use.   Internally it begins by delegating to a SelfDelegateProtocolEngine until sufficient header bytes have arrived from the from the wire to make a determination (all AMQP protocols begin with the bytes AMQP followed by a version number).   Once a determination is made, a ProtocolEngine that supports the correct AMQP protocol is substituted in its place (an implementation of AMQPConnection).  The other alternative is that the desired protocol is not supported.  In this case a supported AMQP header is sent down the wire and the connection closed.

There is an implementation of AMQPConnection for every AMQP protocol:

  • AMQPConnection_0_8Impl - for AMQP 0-8..0-91

  • AMQPConnection_0_10Impl for AMQP 0-10
  • AMQPConnection_1_0Impl for AMQP 1.0

The AMQPConnection#received method accepts the raw bytes.  The connection implementation uses AMQP codecs to turn this stream of bytes into a stream of object representing the AMQP frames.  The frames are then dispatched to the connection implementation itself (or other objects that the connection has caused to come into existence).   

Unfortunately, there is no commonality between the AMQP codec implementations. For 0-8..0-91 it is a ServerDecoder, or 0-10 a ServerDisassembler and for AMQP 1.0 a ProtocolHandler.

As the AMQP protocols differ, the dispatch methods are necessarily different but the approach is similar across the protocols.  Here's some examples to get you started.

  • AMQPConnection_0_8Impl#received ultimately delegates to methods such as AMQPConnection_0_8Impl#receiveConnectionStartOk

  • AMQPConnection_0_10Impl#received ultimately delegates to delegate ServerConnectionDelegate#connectionStartOk
  • AMQPConnection_1_0Impl#received ultimately delegates to AMQPConnection_1_0Impl#receiveOpen

Producing bytes


AMQP As already said, the transport pulls tasks from the protocol engine.  These tasks produce bytes.  To do this, the transport calls the pending iterator which provides a stream of tasks that generate bytes for the wire. The transport keeps pulling until the output exceeds the buffer.  It then tries to write the buffered bytes to the wire.  If it writes more than half to the wire it continues to pull more tasks from the engine.  The cycle continues until the transport cannot take more bytes (back pressure at the TCP/IP layer, or the pending iterator yields no more tasks.   This arrangement always means that the transport retains control of backlog of bytes to be written to the wire.

The protocol engines' pending iterator are responsible for maintaining fairness within the connection.  They do this by maintaining state between invocations.  For instance if a connection had sessions A, B, C, all with tasks to producer and on this output cycle, the network stopped accepting bytes after A's tasks, on the next output cycle. B would be considered first, even if A had subsequently had more work. This fairness patten is repeated through each layer of the protocol.




The Broker exposes two management layers:

  • AMQP management
  • HTTP management

The management layers esentially exposes the Broker model over the management interface.  The management layer has little knowledge of the model itself.

AMQP management

AMQP management is defined by the AMQP Management specification which is currently a Working Draft at Oasis.  It defines a standard way to identify objects within the Broker, to invoke operations and pass arguments and get results, all over AMQP itself.  When interacting with management, you send management messages to a special address ($management).

For Broker-J:

  1. To manage a virtualhost, you connect with AMQP to the virtualhost as normal, then send management messages to $management.

In AMQP management, you form an AMQP connection to the Broker.

  • To manage an individual virtualhost, you connect to the virtualhost itself then 

In AMQP management, objects have a name identifying the type of the object.  This is defined using an annotation ManagedObject#amqpName.

In AMQP management

HTTP management



HTTP, REST and Web Management

AMQP Management





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