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Nexmark is a suite of queries (pipelines) used to measure performance and non-regression in Beam (see

Links to the original Nexmark papers:

Some queries can be very complex. To ease their maintenance, here is a presentation of the architecture along with pseudo-code of the queries:

Components of NexMark

  • Generator:

    • generation of timestamped events (bids, persons, auctions) correlated between each other

  • NexmarkLauncher:

    • creates sources that use the generator

    • queries pipelines launching, monitoring

  • Output metrics:

    • Each query includes ParDos to update metrics

    • execution time, processing event rate, number of results,                      but also invalid auctions/bids, …

  • Modes:

    • Batch mode: test data is finite and uses a BoundedSource

    • Streaming mode: test data is finite but uses an UnboundedSource to trigger streaming mode in runners

Queries pseudo code

Query 0 (not part of original NexMark): Pass-through.

  • Allows us to measure the monitoring overhead.

    • serializes and deserializes using coder

    • Uses Aggregator for byte size counter

Query 1: What are the bid values in Euro's? (Currency Conversion)

  • Simple map

    • Filter + ParDo to extract bids out of events

    • ParDo that outputs Bid objects with price converted

SELECT Istream(auction, DOLTOEUR(price), bidder, datetime)

Query 2: Find bids with specific auction ids and show their bid price.

  • Illustrates simple filter

    • Filter + ParDo to extract bids out of events

    • Filter to keep bids with correct auctionId

    • ParDo that outputs AuctionPrice(auction, price) objects

SELECT Rstream(auction, price)
 auction = 1007
 OR auction = 1020
 OR auction = 2001
 OR auction = 2019
 OR auction = 2087;

Query 3: Who is selling in particular US states?

  • Illustrates incremental join of the auctions and the persons collections

  • uses global window and using per-key state and timer APIs

    • Apply global window to events with trigger repeatedly after at least nbEvents in pane =>  results will be materialized each time nbEvents are received.

    • input1: collection of auctions events filtered by category and keyed by seller id

    • input2: collection of persons events filtered by US state codes and keyed by person id

    • CoGroupByKey to group auctions and persons by personId/sellerId + tags to distinguish persons and auctions

    • ParDo to do the incremental join: auctions and person events can arrive out of order

      • person element stored in persistent state in order to match future auctions by that person. Set a timer to clear the person state after a TTL

      • auction elements stored in persistent state until we have seen the corresponding person record. Then, it can be output and cleared

    • output NameCityStateId(,, person.state, objects

SELECT Istream(,, P.state,
 A.seller =
 (P.state = 'OR'
 OR P.state = 'ID'
 OR P.state = 'CA')
 AND A.category = 10;

Query 4: What is the average selling price for each auction category?

  • Illustrates sliding windows and aggregation

    • Apply Wining-bids

    • ParDo to key winning-bids by category

    • apply sliding windows to have a period of time

    • apply Mean.perKey (key = category)

    • ParDo that outputs CategoryPrice(categoryId, avgPrice)

SELECT Istream(AVG( FROM Category C, (SELECT Rstream(MAX(B.price) AS final, A.category) FROM Auction A [ROWS UNBOUNDED], Bid B [ROWS UNBOUNDED] WHERE AND B.datetime < A.expires AND A.expires < CURRENT_TIME GROUP BY, A.category) Q WHERE Q.category = GROUP BY;

Query 5: Which auctions have seen the most bids in the last period?

  • Illustrates sliding windows and combiners (i.e. reducers) to compare the elements in auctions Collection

    • Input: (sliding) window (to have a result over 1h period updated every 1 min) collection of bids events

    • ParDo to replace bid elements by their auction id

    • Count.PerElement to count the occurrences of each auction id

    • Combine.globally to select only the auctions with the maximum number of bids

      • BinaryCombineFn to compare one to one the elements of the collection (auction id occurrences, i.e. number of bids)

      • Return KV(auction id, max occurrences)

    • output: AuctionCount(auction id, max occurrences) objects

Query 6:  What is the average selling price per seller for their last 10 closed auctions?

  • Illustrates specialized combiner

    • Apply winning-bids

    • ParDo to key the winning-bids by sellerId

    • apply GlobalWindow + trigerring at each element (to have a continuous flow of updates at each new winning-bid)

    • Combine.perKey to calculate average of last 10 winning bids for each seller. Need specialized CombineFn because of 10 closed auctions

      • create Arraylist accumulators for chunks of data

      • add all elements of the chunks to the accumulators, sort them by bid timeStamp then price keeping last 10 elements

      • iteratively merge the accumulators until there is only one: just add all bids of all accumulators to a final accumulator and sort by timeStamp then price keeping last 10 elements

      • extractOutput: sum all the prices of the bids and divide by accumulator size

    • ParDo that outputs SellerPrice(sellerId, avgPrice)

Query 7: What are the highest bids per period?

  • Could have been implemented with a combiner like query5 but deliberately implemented using Max(prices) as a side input and illustrate fanout.

  • Fanout is a redistribution using an intermediate implicit combine step to reduce the load in the final step of the Max transform

    • input: (fixed) windowed collection of bids events

    • ParDo to replace bids by their price

    • Max.withFanout to get the max per window and use it as a side input for next step. Fanout is useful if there are many events to be computed in a window using the Max transform.

    • ParDo on the bids with side input to output the bid if bid.price equals maxPrice (that comes from side input)

Query 8: Who has entered the system and created an auction in the last period?

  • Illustrates simple join

    • Filter + ParDo to extract persons out of events

    • Apply fixed windows to have a period

    • ParDo to key collection by personId

    • Filter + ParDo to extract auctions out of events

    • Apply fixed windows to have a period

    • ParDo to key collection by sellerId

    • CoGroupByKey to group persons and auctions by personId/sellerId + tag persons and auctions

    • ParDo to output IdNameReserve(,, auction.reserve) for each auction

Query 9 Winning-bids (not part of original NexMark): extract the most recent of the highest bids

  • Illustrates custom window function to reconcile auctions and bids + join them

    • input: collection of events

    • Apply custom windowing function to temporarily reconcile auctions and bids events in the same custom window (AuctionOrBidWindow)

      • assign auctions to window [auction.timestamp, auction.expiring]

      • assign bids to window [bid.timestamp, bid.timestamp + expectedAuctionDuration (generator configuration parameter)]

      • merge all 'bid' windows into their corresponding 'auction' window, provided the auction has not expired.

    • Filter + ParDos to extract auctions out of events and key them by auction id

    • Filter + ParDos to extract bids out of events and key them by auction id

    • CogroupByKey (groups values of PCollections<KV> that share the same key) to group auctions and bids by auction id + tags to distinguish auctions and bids

    • ParDo to

      • determine best bid price: verification of valid bid, sort prices by price ASC then time DESC and keep the max price

      • and output AuctionBid(auction, bestBid) objects

Query 10 (not part of original NexMark):Log all events to GCS files

  • windows with large side effects on firing

    • ParDo to key events by their shardId (number of shards is a config item)

    • Apply fixed windows with composite triggering that fires when each sub-triger (executed in order) fires

      • repeatedly

        • after at least maxLogEvents in pane

        • or finally when watermark pass the end of window

      • Repeatedly

        • after at least maxLogEvents in pane

        • or processing time pass the first element in pane + lateDelay

      • With allowedLateness of 1 day (so that any late date will stall the pipeline and be noticeable)

    • GroupByKey to group events by shardId

    • ParDo to construct the outputStreams (fileNames contain shardId) and encode each event to that outputStream + form pairs with key = null key and value = outputFile (represents a fileName with various added information)

    • apply fixed window with default trigger and lateness of 1 day to clear complex triggerring

    • GroupByKey all outputFiles together (they have the same key) to have one file per window

    • ParDo to write all the lines to files in Google Cloud Storage


Query 11 (not part of original NexMark): How many bids did a user make in each session he was active?

  • Illustrates session windows + triggering on the bids collection

    • input: collection of bids events

    • ParDo to replace bids with their bidder id

    • Apply session windows with gap duration = windowDuration (configuration item) and trigger repeatedly after at least nbEvents in pane => each window (i.e. session) will contain bid ids received since last windowDuration period of inactivity and materialized every nbEvents bids

    • Count.perElement to count bids per bidder id (number of occurrences of bidder id)

    • output idsPerSession(bidder, bidsCount) objects

Query 12 (not part of original NexMark): How many bids does a user make within a fixed processing time limit?

  • Illustrates working in processing time in the Global window to count occurrences of bidder

    • input: collection of bid events

    • ParDo to replace bids by their bidder id

    • Apply global window with trigger repeatedly after processingTime pass the first element in pane + windowDuration (configuration item) => each pane will contain elements processed within windowDuration time

    • Count.perElement to count bids per bidder id (occurrences of bidder id)

    • output BidsPerWindow(bidder, bidsCount) objects

Nexmark is a suite of queries (pipelines) used to measure performance and non-regression in Beam (see

Links to the original Nexmark papers:

Some queries can be very complex. To ease their maintenance, here is a presentation of the architecture along with pseudo-code of the queries:

Components of NexMark

  • Generator:

    • generation of timestamped events (bids, persons, auctions) correlated between each other

  • NexmarkLauncher:

    • creates sources that use the generator

    • queries pipelines launching, monitoring

  • Output metrics:

    • Each query includes ParDos to update metrics

    • execution time, processing event rate, number of results,                      but also invalid auctions/bids, …

  • Modes:

    • Batch mode: test data is finite and uses a BoundedSource

    • Streaming mode: test data is finite but uses an UnboundedSource to trigger streaming mode in runners

Queries pseudo code

Query 0 (not part of original NexMark): Pass-through.

  • Allows us to measure the monitoring overhead.

    • serializes and deserializes using coder

    • Uses Aggregator for byte size counter

Query 1: What are the bid values in Euro's? (Currency Conversion)

  • Simple map

    • Filter + ParDo to extract bids out of events

    • ParDo that outputs Bid objects with price converted

SELECT Istream(auction, DOLTOEUR(price), bidder, datetime)

Query 2: Find bids with specific auction ids and show their bid price.

  • Illustrates simple filter

    • Filter + ParDo to extract bids out of events

    • Filter to keep bids with correct auctionId

    • ParDo that outputs AuctionPrice(auction, price) objects

SELECT Rstream(auction, price)
 auction = 1007
 OR auction = 1020
 OR auction = 2001
 OR auction = 2019
 OR auction = 2087;
Query 3: Who is selling in particular US states?
  • Illustrates incremental join of the auctions and the persons collections

  • uses global window and using per-key state and timer APIs

    • Apply global window to events with trigger repeatedly after at least nbEvents in pane =>  results will be materialized each time nbEvents are received.

    • input1: collection of auctions events filtered by category and keyed by seller id

    • input2: collection of persons events filtered by US state codes and keyed by person id

    • CoGroupByKey to group auctions and persons by personId/sellerId + tags to distinguish persons and auctions

    • ParDo to do the incremental join: auctions and person events can arrive out of order

      • person element stored in persistent state in order to match future auctions by that person. Set a timer to clear the person state after a TTL

      • auction elements stored in persistent state until we have seen the corresponding person record. Then, it can be output and cleared

    • output NameCityStateId(,, person.state, objects

  • SELECT Istream(,, P.state, FROM Auction A [ROWS UNBOUNDED], Person P [ROWS UNBOUNDED] WHERE A.seller = AND (P.state = `OR' OR P.state = `ID' OR P.state = `CA') AND A.category = 10;

Query 4: What is the average selling price for each auction category?

  • Illustrates sliding windows and aggregation

    • Apply Wining-bids

    • ParDo to key winning-bids by category

    • apply sliding windows to have a period of time

    • apply Mean.perKey (key = category)

    • ParDo that outputs CategoryPrice(categoryId, avgPrice)

Query 5: Which auctions have seen the most bids in the last period?

  • Illustrates sliding windows and combiners (i.e. reducers) to compare the elements in auctions Collection

    • Input: (sliding) window (to have a result over 1h period updated every 1 min) collection of bids events

    • ParDo to replace bid elements by their auction id

    • Count.PerElement to count the occurrences of each auction id

    • Combine.globally to select only the auctions with the maximum number of bids

      • BinaryCombineFn to compare one to one the elements of the collection (auction id occurrences, i.e. number of bids)

      • Return KV(auction id, max occurrences)

    • output: AuctionCount(auction id, max occurrences) objects

Query 6:  What is the average selling price per seller for their last 10 closed auctions?

  • Illustrates specialized combiner

    • Apply winning-bids

    • ParDo to key the winning-bids by sellerId

    • apply GlobalWindow + trigerring at each element (to have a continuous flow of updates at each new winning-bid)

    • Combine.perKey to calculate average of last 10 winning bids for each seller. Need specialized CombineFn because of 10 closed auctions

      • create Arraylist accumulators for chunks of data

      • add all elements of the chunks to the accumulators, sort them by bid timeStamp then price keeping last 10 elements

      • iteratively merge the accumulators until there is only one: just add all bids of all accumulators to a final accumulator and sort by timeStamp then price keeping last 10 elements

      • extractOutput: sum all the prices of the bids and divide by accumulator size

    • ParDo that outputs SellerPrice(sellerId, avgPrice)

Query 7: What are the highest bids per period?

  • Could have been implemented with a combiner like query5 but deliberately implemented using Max(prices) as a side input and illustrate fanout.

  • Fanout is a redistribution using an intermediate implicit combine step to reduce the load in the final step of the Max transform

    • input: (fixed) windowed collection of bids events

    • ParDo to replace bids by their price

    • Max.withFanout to get the max per window and use it as a side input for next step. Fanout is useful if there are many events to be computed in a window using the Max transform.

    • ParDo on the bids with side input to output the bid if bid.price equals maxPrice (that comes from side input)

Query 8: Who has entered the system and created an auction in the last period?

  • Illustrates simple join

    • Filter + ParDo to extract persons out of events

    • Apply fixed windows to have a period

    • ParDo to key collection by personId

    • Filter + ParDo to extract auctions out of events

    • Apply fixed windows to have a period

    • ParDo to key collection by sellerId

    • CoGroupByKey to group persons and auctions by personId/sellerId + tag persons and auctions

    • ParDo to output IdNameReserve(,, auction.reserve) for each auction

Query 9 Winning-bids (not part of original NexMark): extract the most recent of the highest bids

  • Illustrates custom window function to reconcile auctions and bids + join them

    • input: collection of events

    • Apply custom windowing function to temporarily reconcile auctions and bids events in the same custom window (AuctionOrBidWindow)

      • assign auctions to window [auction.timestamp, auction.expiring]

      • assign bids to window [bid.timestamp, bid.timestamp + expectedAuctionDuration (generator configuration parameter)]

      • merge all 'bid' windows into their corresponding 'auction' window, provided the auction has not expired.

    • Filter + ParDos to extract auctions out of events and key them by auction id

    • Filter + ParDos to extract bids out of events and key them by auction id

    • CogroupByKey (groups values of PCollections<KV> that share the same key) to group auctions and bids by auction id + tags to distinguish auctions and bids

    • ParDo to

      • determine best bid price: verification of valid bid, sort prices by price ASC then time DESC and keep the max price

      • and output AuctionBid(auction, bestBid) objects

Query 10 (not part of original NexMark):Log all events to GCS files

  • windows with large side effects on firing

    • ParDo to key events by their shardId (number of shards is a config item)

    • Apply fixed windows with composite triggering that fires when each sub-triger (executed in order) fires

      • repeatedly

        • after at least maxLogEvents in pane

        • or finally when watermark pass the end of window

      • Repeatedly

        • after at least maxLogEvents in pane

        • or processing time pass the first element in pane + lateDelay

      • With allowedLateness of 1 day (so that any late date will stall the pipeline and be noticeable)

    • GroupByKey to group events by shardId

    • ParDo to construct the outputStreams (fileNames contain shardId) and encode each event to that outputStream + form pairs with key = null key and value = outputFile (represents a fileName with various added information)

    • apply fixed window with default trigger and lateness of 1 day to clear complex triggerring

    • GroupByKey all outputFiles together (they have the same key) to have one file per window

    • ParDo to write all the lines to files in Google Cloud Storage 

Query 11 (not part of original NexMark): How many bids did a user make in each session he was active?

  • Illustrates session windows + triggering on the bids collection

    • input: collection of bids events

    • ParDo to replace bids with their bidder id

    • Apply session windows with gap duration = windowDuration (configuration item) and trigger repeatedly after at least nbEvents in pane => each window (i.e. session) will contain bid ids received since last windowDuration period of inactivity and materialized every nbEvents bids

    • Count.perElement to count bids per bidder id (number of occurrences of bidder id)

    • output idsPerSession(bidder, bidsCount) objects

Query 12 (not part of original NexMark): How many bids does a user make within a fixed processing time limit?

  • Illustrates working in processing time in the Global window to count occurrences of bidder

    • input: collection of bid events

    • ParDo to replace bids by their bidder id

    • Apply global window with trigger repeatedly after processingTime pass the first element in pane + windowDuration (configuration item) => each pane will contain elements processed within windowDuration time

    • Count.perElement to count bids per bidder id (occurrences of bidder id)

    • output BidsPerWindow(bidder, bidsCount) objects

  • No labels