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Tutoral on the camel-example-reportincident


Work in progress by Claus Ibsen. Tutorial to be part of Camel 1.5. (CAMEL-601)


Creating this tutorial was inspired by a real life use-case I discussed over the phone with a college. He was working a client that uses a heavy-weight integration platform from very large vendor. He was in talks with contractors to implement a new integration on this heavy piece of platform - his trouble was though that the price was tripled when the contractors heard it had to be on this platform. So I was wondering how we could do this integration on Camel. Can it be done in one day.

This tutorial is written during the development of the integration. I have decided to start off with a sample that isn't Camel's but standard Java and then plugin Camel as we goes. Just as when people needed to learn Spring you could consume it piece by piece, the same goes with Camel.

The use-case

The goal is to allow staff to report incidents into a central administration. For that they use client software where they report the incident and submit it to the central administration. As this is an integration in a transition phase the administration should get these incidents by email whereas they are manually added to the database. The client software should gather the incident and submit the information to the integration platform that in term will transform the report into an email and send it to the central administrator for manual processing.

TODO: Figure with:
Client -> Integration Platform -> Central Administration

In EIP patterns

TODO: Figure with EIP patterns

Initial Project Setup

We want the integration to be a standard .war application that can be deployed in any web container such as Tomcat, Jetty or even heavy weight application servers such as WebLogic or WebSphere. There fore we start off with the standard Maven webapp project that is created with the following long archetype command:

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.apache.camel -DartifactId=camel-example-reportincident -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp

Notice that the groupId etc. doens't have to be org.apache.camel it can be com.mycompany.whatever. But I have used these package names as the example is an official part of the Camel distribution.

Then we have the basic maven folder layout. We start out with the webservice part where we want to use Apache CXF for the webservice stuff. So we add this to the pom.xml
TODO: pom with CXF

Developing the WebService

As we want to develop webservice with the contract first approach we create our .wsdl file
TODO: wsdl file

CXF wsdl2java

Then we integration the CXF wsdl2java generator in the pom.xml so we have CXF generate the needed POJO classes for our webservice contract.
TODO: CXF wsdj2java

Configuration of the web.xml

TODO: how to configure the web.xml, spring context listener, cxf files etc.

Running our webservice

TODO: Adding Jetty to pom
TODO: Generation the code
TODO: Adding the System.out and dummy response
TODO: Starting Jetty and using SoapUI to hit the webservice
TODO: Starting Jetty in debug mode so we can debug online

Adding a unit test

TODO: CXF unit test

End of part 1

TODO: Conclusion.

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