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Please note that the intent of this page is to list a few of the most useful places to look for Wicket information, rather than attempting to provide an exhaustively complete index.

Table of contents


  • Pro Wicket - "Pro Wicket" by Karthik Gurumurthy is now available as e-Book and hardcopy both.
    • This covers 1.2, and has some information about what (the abandoned) 2.0 will add/change.
  • Wicket in Action - "Wicket In Action" by Martijn Dashorst and Eelco Hillenius is currently available via Manning's early access program.
    • It covers 1.3.
  • Enjoying Web Development with Wicket - "Enjoying Web Development with Wicket" by Kent Tong is now available as e-Book.
    • It covers 1.3. The first three chapters are freely available.

Traditional Documentation

While there are a couple of books in the pipeline, at the moment the best places to look are the following...

  1. Javadocs
  2. Quick Tour & Examples -, and
    • These describe show how various common things may be done in Wicket, with the Quick Tour focussing on particular key elements, with a descriptive narative while the Wicket-Examples attempts to provide much more coverage of the range of components on offer.
    • Note the "Source Code" popup on the Wicket-Examples, to see exactly how things may be done.
    • Be sure to check the various sub-pages, particularly the Component Reference, the Repeater View Examples & the DisplayTag pages.
  3. Wiki -
  4. Tutorials

Interactive Documentation

  1. The Wicket-User mailing list -
  2. The IRC channel - ##wicket on FreeNode (irc://
  3. Wicket Support is a company that provides Wicket training.

Code as documentation

Along these lines, the options for 'JumpStart' or 'Working Examples' are as follows:

  1. Wicket-Archetype - Quickstart as a Maven 2 archetype - You need Maven2 installed
    • Create a QuickStart project
      • mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket
    • That's all there is to it - just cd into the new myproject folder, build & run it via "mvn jetty:run" and browse it via http://localhost:8080/myproject
    • To create an Eclipse project perform the mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true command inside the myproject folder
    • To create an IDEA project perform the mvn idea:idea command inside the myproject folder or if using one of the Early Access Project (EAP) releases, just import the generated pom.xml directly into IDEA.
  1. Wicket-Phonebook -
    • A Spring & Hibernate/iBATIS application showing an example of displaying a list of tabular data along with the typical CrUD opertations on it.
  2. QWicket -
    • Qwicket is a quickstart application for the wicket framework. Its intent is to provide a rapid method for creating a new wicket project with the basic infrastructure in place. Currently, it only supports Spring and Hibernate built with Ant but plans include such things as support for Maven 2 and other persistence layers such as iBATIS
  3. Databinder -
    • Databinder is a simple bridge from Wicket to Hibernate. Its site hosts five example database-driven webapps, each running live and with source for browsing (and one screencast). A Maven 2 archetype is available for generating Databinder projects from scratch.
  4. Wicket-QuickStart -
    • V1.2 - Intended to be a batteries-included way of getting started.
  5. Wicket-Template -
    • V1.2 The equivalent of QuickStart for those developers with Maven2 and an internet connection.
    • Small (22KB), Maven2-based project which can be used to get started quickly.

"Use the Source, Luke"

  1. The latest code's in Wicket's SVN repository - See the Wicket SVN page to find out more about the alternative branches and tags.
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