Summary of statistics for the Apache Camel project for the year 2018.

Number of releases in 2018: 12
Number of posts on Camel user forum in 2018: 1266
Number of gitter chat users at end of 2018: 428
Number of commits in 2018: 3600 (git shortlog -ns — since 2018–01–01 — until 2019–01–01 | cut -c1–7 | awk ‘{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM }’)

Total number of JIRA tickets created at end of 2018: 13033
Number of JIRA tickets created in 2018: 924
Number of JIRA tickets resolved in 2018: 766

Stackoverflow number of questions at end of 2018: 8375
Stackoverflow number of watchers at end of 2018: 1.8k

Number of stars on github at end of 2018: 2303
Total number of commits at end of 2018: 34431
Total number of contributors on github at end of 2018: 447
Number of closed pull requests at end of 2018: 2674
Number of closed pull requests in 2018: 280 (is:pr is:closed merged:>=2018–01–01)
Number of committers doing commits in 2018: 184 (git shortlog — since 2018–01–01 — until 2019–01–01 -ns | wc -l).

The Apache Software Foundation recently posted a summary of the most active projects in 2018 and Apache Camel was ranked 4th by commits.

You can find more statistics for example at GitHub and OpenHub.

Happy New Year and 2019 is going to be a special year for Apache Camel, with Camel 3 in the works.

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