
ServiceMix Kernel 1.1.0

The Apache ServiceMix Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache ServiceMix Kernel 1.1.0.

The Apache ServiceMix Kernel 1.1.0 release brings a lot of new features enhancements and bug fixes:

  • remote connection using SSH protocol
  • provisioning enhancements: versioning / hot deployment of features
  • new commands, including OSGi related commands for the Configuration Admin and Package Admin services
  • improved spring integration: upgrade to spring 2.5.6 and spring-dm 1.2.0-m2, the osgi/list command now displays spring applications status
  • container level locking for master / slave deployments
  • support for JAXP 1.4 on all platforms
  • improved JMX support for managing the OSGi framework and features

Note that the commands syntax has changed due to the upgrade to the latest gshell version.
A more detailed change log and download links are available on ServiceMix Kernel 1.1.0.

ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0

We're very please to announce the availability of Apache ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0.

This release is the first GA release of ServiceMix Kernel. A few bugs and enhancements have been done to the Kernel since the second release candidate. The most two important fixes from a user point of view are SMX4KNL-70 which makes sure the bundles provided in the distribution are used first instead of the ones from the user's local maven repository and SMX4KNL-77 which allows artifacts in the /deploy folder to be started when the needed dependencies have been installed successfully (the previous behavior was to fail if there were missing bundles when the artifact is processed).

A more detailed change log and download links are available on ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0.

The ServiceMix team is very proud to announce the second release candidate for ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0.

This second Release Candidate of Apache ServiceMix Kernel includes a few bug fixes and a few new features.
The main change is that the system folder that contains the OSGi bundles to install in the runtime is now
organized as a maven 2 repository, though it should not directly affect users.

A more detailed change log and download links are available on ServiceMix Kernel 1.0.0-rc2

ServiceMix Kernel 1.0-m3

The ServiceMix team is pleased to announce the third milestone of ServiceMix Kernel.

Apache ServiceMix Kernel is a small OSGi based runtime which provides a lightweight container onto which various bundles can be deployed. It will be the foundation of ServiceMix 4. For more informations, see the Apache ServiceMix Kernel web site. This release can be downloaded here.

This third milestone of Apache ServiceMix Kernel brings a lot of new features:

  • a provisioning system to install applications easily
  • a log shell to visualize the logging output and change log levels
  • pipe support on commands
  • a bunch of new commands: history, grep, cat, ava, exec, sleep

See the release notes for more informations.

ServiceMix Kernel 1.0-m2

We are pleased to announce the second milestone of ServiceMix Kernel. Apache ServiceMix Kernel is a small OSGi based runtime which provides a lightweight container onto which various bundles can be deployed. It will be the foundation of ServiceMix 4. For more informations, see the Apache ServiceMix Kernel web site. This release can be downloaded here.
This is the second milestone of ServiceMix Kernel, but mostly a bug fix release compared to the first milestone.

ServiceMix Kernel 1.0-m1

We are pleased to announce the first milestone of ServiceMix Kernel. Apache ServiceMix Kernel is a small OSGi based runtime which provides a lightweight container onto which various bundles can be deployed. It will be the foundation of ServiceMix 4. For more informations, see the Apache ServiceMix Kernel web site. This release can be downloaded here