
Matteo, Enrico, JV, Charan, Sam, Kishore, Dustin Andrey, Bobby, Sijie, ...


  • Docker Image
    • multiple efforts on it (Matteo, Jia, Francesco)
    • goal: make a joint effort, discuss and come up with an approach for releasing an official BK image.
    • defer the discussion to email thread (or next meeting)
  • Security Proposal - SSL Patch
    • The last pending patch is the SSL
    • Kishore merges all the changes from Enrico.
    • Authentication Framework vs TLS Approaches
    • Configurable settings to control whether TLS channel is only used for encryption, certificated authentication or both.
    • Uses JKS (preferred format), it is also configurable.
  • Github Issue vs Jiras
    • JV: Prefer only one, either JIRA or Github issues.
    • Enrico: Github issues for new users, redirect users to JIRA
    • Matteo: move to Github issues. Make pull requests and github issues together for easy tracking.
    • Bobby: Github issue is pre-mature. There is only one Github issue. It is not worth moving to Github issues.
    • Proposal (JV):
      • Start using Github issues for a few months, to see how it works and decide?
      • Need to start a vote thread in the community (JV or Sijie will do this)
  • Issues:
    • SSL: (see Security Proposal above)
    • Low-watermark Threshold
      • Sijie is fine with the pull request. But need more descriptions to clarify this change include refactor.
      • Charan will ping Bobby on the pull request for his review opinions
    • JMX Beans
      • The last change removed JMX beans because stats are exposed by stats providers now. No need for JMX beans.
      • Salesforce is using JMX beans for actions
      • Consensus:
        • not use JMX bean for stats
        • Charan contributes  the actionable beans back and make it configurable
        • Need a long term discussion on how to support these actions (e.g. http endpoint, jmx bean)
    • Multiple Entry Loggers
      • Charan sends the multiple entry logger design.

Open JIRA issues for 4.5.0:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured


Open Pull Requests:e





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