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This report, for January 2007, is the first report for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project.

Exiting from Incubator, Infrastructure Tasks:
- interaction with Infrastructure for the creation of new DNS entry for (done)
- interaction with Infrastructure for the migration of the web site (done)
- interaction with Infrastructure for project name update in the Jira issue tracker (done)
- interaction with Infrastructure for the migration/relocation of the svn repository (done)
- updated all the resources of the ASF site to refer to OFBiz as a TLP (done); submitted request to the to be listed there (done)
- interaction with Infrastructure for the migration of the mailing lists (done)
- a minor task remains for the mailing lists to move the archives over from the old incubator lists

- a lot of activity in the user and dev mailing lists
- public discussion and plans for a new release happening in early 2007; there are details for the release plan on the project documentation site (at; the general plan right now is to create a release branch from the trunk once per year to hopefully build a community around that release to stabilize it
- the task of cleaning up the project website and documentation has been started and will likely continue over coming months
- a host has been found for a developers conference, a sort of "hackathon" for OFBiz, this is tentatively planned for early March and is something there is interest in doing regularly to help start or finish project objectives that have had a hard time maturing "naturally"
- one new committer (Scott Gray, lektran at has been voted in by the PMC and we are in the process of getting commit access setup for him; because of pre-ASF contributions we already have a CLA on file for Scott

External Project Resources
- there are some historic resources not hosted on ASF infrastructure that are not planned to be migrated, including the pre-ASF: SVN repository and mailing list archives
- there are 2 active resources that we have not yet found a place for in the ASF infrastructure; there is a low priority discussion on the infra mailing list about these, and the possibility of having the ASF work more closely with Contegix who hosts resources for many open source projects, including the resources in the previous item, because they now host these; the two items are some large video files that are a tutorial introduction to the OFBiz Framework, and the Confluence site which we use for documentation and general project information management; so far what will happen with these is not known, and in the interim Contegix is happy to help maintain these resources, and we are working with them to do so

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