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Report for September 2013 for Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) as a top level project.

Apache OFBiz (The Apache Open For Business Project) is an open source
enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean:
ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on.

We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time.


  • new release: "Apache OFBiz 12.04.02" has been released in July 2013; it
    is a bug fix release (including some vulnerability issues reported by the
    Apache Security Team) of the 12.04 series
  • new release: "Apache OFBiz 11.04.03" has been released in July 2013; it
    is a bug fix release (including some vulnerability issues reported by the
    Apache Security Team) of the 11.04 series
  • new release: "Apache OFBiz 10.04.06" has been released in July 2013; it
    is a bug fix release (including some vulnerability issues reported by the
    Apache Security Team) of the 10.04 series; this is the last release for the
    10.04 series; users of the 10.04 series have been encouraged to upgrade
    to a newer series (11.04 or 12.04)
  • created the new release branch 13.07 from a trunk revision of July: from now
    on the branch will be stabilized with bug fixes

Community and Project

  • no new committers or PMC members have been added in this quarter; the
    last committer was Paul Foxworthy (paulfoxworthy), invited in
    November 2012; the last PMC member was Erwan de Ferrieres (erwan), invited in
    December 2009
  • mailing list traffic is lower than in the past years but it is still
    relevant and there is good community interaction

We have no issues.

  • No labels