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These guidelines have been created to help our community use JIRA effectively for Apache OFBiz development. These are the best practices that we want all contributors to follow. If you have a question, or something is unclear, then please don't hesitate to ask for help on the OFBiz development mailing list.

PLEASE NOTE: This page is a WIP

What is JIRA?

JIRA is the tool that we use to track project related work. This includes ideas for improvements, non code based work such as testing and documentation as well as bug fixes and issues. (Note:All of these types of work are currently referred to as a 'JIRA Issue' which may sometimes cause confusion).

Please see the following link for the OFBiz JIRA Summary Panel

JIRA also provides a list of tasks that need to be actioned in the form of a TODO list, which can be sorted by a range of categories including priority and person assigned. It also can be used to generate statistics about work in progress and issue resolution.

During our Community Days, JIRA's inbuild Agile functionality is used to manage the project backlog and create a Sprints for community members to work on.

JIRA Fields and Meta Data

Issue Types

When you create a JIRA it needs to have an Issue Type. This is important because it helps to classify the issue and can be one of the following type:

Issue TypeDefinition and when to use this type
BugA bug is generally a problem with code or data which is not functioning correctly.
ImprovementAn improvement is something that enhances the functionality of an existing feature
New FeatureNew functionality that does not already exist (What is the difference between this and Wish? Proprosal:  Proposal: All potential improvements could start as a Wish. When they have been discussed / reviewed by the community then they can be changed to be an approved New Feature)
TaskA Task is an action that needs to be carried out that does not fall under any of the other issue types. (NOTE: We have used Tasks in the past - maybe need to specify more clearly when to use....)
TestA Test is a unit test or integrated test
WishA Wish is a requirement for new something that does not already exist (What's the difference between this and New Feature? Proposal: All potential improvements could start as a Wish. When they have been discussed / reviewed by the community then they can be changed to be an approved New Feature)
Sub TaskThis task is a child of another JIRA


The issue description is the most important part of the JIRA issue as it provides information that will allow someone else to investigate and resolve it. It must be written in such a way that it is clear enough for someone to easily replicate the problem. This means that you need to include information about:

  • What you did (e.g what application, screen, and the highlight the steps you went through etc) 
  • What you were expecting to happen
  • What actually happened

In some case you might already have an idea about what the issue is and if so then please include your suggestions as to the cause as this may be helpful to the person picking up the issue.

Issue Description Example:


All JIRA issues need a priority as it determines what needs to be worked on. This is important because it helps to ensure that the community is focussed and working on the right tasks.

OFBiz has several versions of the code base available as released and unreleased branches, as well as the Trunk and JIRA covers all of them.

Blocking and Critical issues are generally reserved for problems Production systems as they released versions that The highest priority of work the project


PriorityCurrent JIRA DefinitionProposed Revised Definition and when to to use this priority
BlockerBlocks development and/or testing work, production could not run

A blocking issue an issue with a released OFBiz version that does not run, causes the system to crash, is security vulnerability to users or exposes the project and Apache Software Foundation to significant risk

CriticalCrashes,loss of data, severe memory leakA critical issue is an issue with a released OFBiz version that causes the system to crash, become unstable, lose data and has no workaround.
MajorMajor loss of function

A major issue is an issue with a released OFBiz version that has a significant impact due to loss of function and has no or limited workarounds (Possibility to add/upgrade unreleased branches and trunk into this priority if there are outstanding major issues with a released OFBiz version)

MinorMinor loss of function or problem where easy workaround is presentA minor issue is an issue with a released OFBiz version, an unreleased branch or trunk that has isolated impact but workarounds are available
TrivialCosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned textA trivial issue is an issue with a released OFBiz version, an unreleased branch or trunk that are cosmetic or do not change the functionality



Issues can be classified using the label.  For example an issue can be labelled as 'Beginner' indicating that it is suitable for beginners or newcomers who want to begin contributing to OFBiz, or 'Documentation' for document related tasks.

JIRA allows the creation of new labels automatically if the one you need does not already exist. To refine the use of labels it may be easier to define the ones that we want to use:

Do we have a list of labels that we could use and can we extract the existing list from Jira?

NOTE: We need to be careful that we are not using the label as an indicator for the Component as we already have a Component field to define the OFBiz component or application area.


The issue reporter is automatically assigned by JIRA based on the user profile of the person creating the Jira


An Assignee is the person that is currently working on the JIRA issue. By default when an issue is created, the assignee is blank. Any OFBiz JIRA contributor can then assign themselves to an issue where the Assignee is blank. If an issue already has an Assignee then it means that person is still working on it.

If you are an Assignee for an issue and you have completed your work then once you have updated the JIRA details or comments, please unassign yourself from the issue. This is important if the work is a patch that needs to be committed. Our Committers will be able to see the unassigned tasks that are available to be picked up, review them and if necessary commit them


The component field is used to identify which OFBiz component or application area is affected by the issue, The issue could be across all the applications or it could be restricted to a particular area such as Workeffort, Content, Datamodel or Accounting.

NOTE: Be careful that that details in the Labels field is not being duplicated.


There are two flags available on a JIRA issue. One flags that the issue is a Patch and the other that the issue is Important.

JIRA already provides a 'Provide Patch' button for an issue so the Patch flag here is a duplication of functionality. Some of the issues include it as well as the patch, and some don't. (We may need to look at revising how we use this flag)

JIRA also already provides a 'Priority' field for an issue so the Important flag seems like a duplication of functionality.


The status field tracks the current status of an issue from creation to resolution or closure.

OpenThis status indicates that the issue is open and is the default status when a JIRA issue is created
In ProgressThis status indicates that the issue is in progress and that someone is working on it
ReopenedThis status indicates that the issue has been previously closed but has to be re-opened because of some additional work
ResolvedThis status indicates that the issue has been resolved. If the issue is code or patch related then it also indicates that the code has been committed
ClosedThis status indicates that the issue has been closed. It can indicate issue completion or simply the closure of an invalid issue
Patch AvailableThis status indicates that the issue has a code patch uploaded that will resolve the issue.

Affect Versions

Fix Versions

Creating JIRA Issues

Creating issues in JIRA adds to the project workload so it is important that they are created when needed and with the right level of information that will help someone to pick it up and resolve it as soon as possible.

When Not to create a Jira

  • If you want general OFBiz help or advice
  • If you want to know which version to use
  • If you want to talk about anything related to your specific OFBiz implementation
  • If you want to know how other users manage a process or function
  • If the issue has already been reported and exists in the current list of issues

Instead please post your question or comments on our user or development mailing lists

When  to create a Jira 


many people are using OFBiz so before creating a new JIRA always check that the issue you are reporting hasn't already been created. You can do this using the search issue functionality in JIRA.

  1. Before creating any Jira issue, please check, using some related key words, if a similar issue does not exist already. For that you can first use the quich search at top right of Jira pages and after refine your search using relevant information. For instance by default all projects are scanned, you may then search only in OFBiz, etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a question about how OFBiz works, which version to use or anything related to your specific implementation that you would like some advice or help from the community on, then please do not create a JIRA issue. Instead please post your question or comments on our user or development mailing lists

When to create a Jira issue


  1. Before creating any Jira issue, please check, using some related key words, if a similar issue does not exist already. For that you can first use the quich search at top right of Jira pages and after refine your search using relevant information. For instance by default all projects are scanned, you may then search only in OFBiz, etc.
  2. If you already have a patch for an improvement/fix then create a Jira issue (if there is not one already) and attach your patch to it
  3. If you don't have a patch, and you have discovered a bug, create a Jira issue (if there is not one already) providing as much details as possible (including the rev. number and the environment you are using, and the step to recreate the bug). if you have no ideas how to describe the bug use this template
    1. What you did (including detailed steps to reproduce)
    2. What you expected to happen
    3. What actually happened (including exact quotes of error messages, etc)
    4. If possible provide an URL
  4. If you don't have a patch, and you have want to suggest an enhancement or new feature, then discuss this in the dev mailing list instead of creating a Jira issue; at the end of the discussion, the community will consider if a summary of the thread should be saved in a new Jira issue, to facilitate future development
  5. If you don't have a patch, but you are planning to work on it, and you want to share your design details with the community, you should discuss this in the mailing list instead of creating a Jira issue; if, on the other hand, you don't have time to do this, you have already decided that you want to implement your patch following your design notes, and you just want to let the community know about the upcoming patch, you can create a Jira issue (to which you will attach your patch when it is ready);
  • Bugs: always create a new Jira issue everytime you find a new bug
  • New features/enhancements: create new Jira issue only if you have a patch (or if you plan to submit it very soon)


How to create a Jira issue

  1. Create an account here, if you do not have one
  2. Login
    1. (optional if you are sure it's new) Search if an issue for what you are after already exists by using the "Find issues"
    2. (optional if you are sure it's new) If an issue on the subject already exists you can add a comment on it
  3. If a issue does not exist, create a new one selecting the "create new issue" command. For details on the issue creation see here
  4. Select the OFBiz project and the issue type.
  5. Fill in all fields, give as many detail you think necessary
    • Generally it is very important to select in the "Affect version" field the ofbiz version you are running. If you are running the trunk then the SVN revision should also be specifyed in the Environment field
    • Use the Environment field to specify at least your operating system and the database ofbiz is using since these information could be very useful to help people to work on the issue
    • Select the concerned component(s). If all components are affected select ALL_COMPONENTS (uncommon case)
  6. If you need to attach files such as patches you must do it as a second step after the issue creation. It is also possible to easily attach screenshots to the issue see here
    • When attaching files or screenshots you can add a comment where you explain how the attached file is supposed to be used. Please reference the file name in the comment because more files could be attached to the issue at a later time and they will be all listed togheter far from their comments. If, for any reason, you don't want your patch or attachment to be granted to the ASF or committed, please note it in one related comment (possible cases: not ready yet, examples, etc.)
    • Also please use preferably .patch as extension for patches. When updating an attached file keep the same name : Jira is able to deal with that and will simply gray old files, you don't need to delete them (sometimes its usefull to compare older patches versions)
    • If you provide a patch, be sure to use the button "Provide Patch" (the status will then be "Patch Available"). This allows us (commiters) to know that this issue is ready for review.
  7. Jira offers a voting mechanism that is used to give more relevance to the issues (see here to learn more)


Commenting on a JIRA Issue

Voting for a JIRA Issue

Watching a JIRA Issue

OFBiz JIRA Workflow

Epics are disabled - do we enable them?

Add a wiki page (if one does not exist) documenting:
  - Guidelines for writing JIRA mentioning clarity, provision of solution.
  - A clear definition of priorities (blocker, critical, major, minor,
trivial) with some examples.
  - A description of meaning of assignee and how to use it
  - A description of other metadata and how to properly use it (tags,
components, affects version, etc...)


TO TIDY UP - Copied from Committers Roles and Responsibilities page

Type of changes and where should they go

There are roughly 3 main types of changes:

  1. New features
  2. Improvements
  3. Bug fixes

Bug fixes should normally go in the release branches, as much as they can. Security fixes must trigger a new released packages.
New features and Improvements should never get into a release branch. Exceptions may occur, but they need a consensus, and as ever can be vetoed (only by committers, though this rule can be adapted by the community)


All committers must do the following to ensure licensing compliance

  1. Make sure the contribution is posted publicly on the Apache OFBIZ JIRA issue tracker. Please do not commit changes that were sent to you privately. If you receive a patch, open a JIRA issue and then ask the submitter to post his patch there. This way, we can avoid having to get an iCLA for the contributor, as well as let everybody in the community view and comment on the contribution.
  2. If it is a new file, the file must have the Apache 2.0 license header.
  3. The commit log must identify the name of the contributor and, if relevant, the JIRA issue for it.


Manage JIRA's issues

Please take the time to correctly fill the different Jira fields we now use for our releases change logs.

  • Specifiy in Resolution :
    • Improvements : use either Done or Implemented Status as you feel right
    • New features : use the Implemented Status
    • Bug : use the Fixed Status
    • Of course you might also use other status (like duplicate, won't fix, invalid, etc.) when needed...



  • Specify in the Fix Version/s the codebase(s) to which you have committed the patch/fix :


Temporary warning


Because we decided to not release the R14.12 and R15.12 branches, and because 13.07.03 was the last release of the R13.07 branch, currently only "Upcoming Branch" and Release Branches (like  Release Branch 15.12) are available in the "Fix Version/s" field. Not released versions (like 13.07.03) will no longer appear but when we wil release the next coming R16 branch.


    •  you can select from the dropdown one or more of the items under the "Unreleased Versions" group in the top part of the drop down box;
    •  you should never use one of the items in the "Released Versions"  section (bottom part);
    •  if the commit is only done (ie not backported) on "Trunk" then select "Upcoming Branch";
    •  if you are backporting/committing to a release branch then select the latest (next) release version in that branch available in the dropdown.



After some time the following Jira reports will contain very useful information :


  • Note about backports for bug fixes

When you don't backport a bug fix to a release branch, please explain the reason/s you don't backport. Then when others review they don't wonder why it was not backported and don't have to search why!

TO TIDY UP - Copied from Contributors Best Practices Page

How to create a Jira issue

  1. Create an account here, if you do not have one
  2. Login
    1. (optional if you are sure it's new) Search if an issue for what you are after already exists by using the "Find issues"
    2. (optional if you are sure it's new) If an issue on the subject already exists you can add a comment on it
  3. If a issue does not exist, create a new one selecting the "create new issue" command. For details on the issue creation see here
  4. Select the OFBiz project and the issue type.
  5. Fill in all fields, give as many detail you think necessary
    • Generally it is very important to select in the "Affect version" field the ofbiz version you are running. If you are running the trunk then the SVN revision should also be specifyed in the Environment field
    • Use the Environment field to specify at least your operating system and the database ofbiz is using since these information could be very useful to help people to work on the issue
    • Select the concerned component(s). If all components are affected select ALL_COMPONENTS (uncommon case)
  6. If you need to attach files such as patches you must do it as a second step after the issue creation. It is also possible to easily attach screenshots to the issue see here
    • When attaching files or screenshots you can add a comment where you explain how the attached file is supposed to be used. Please reference the file name in the comment because more files could be attached to the issue at a later time and they will be all listed togheter far from their comments. If, for any reason, you don't want your patch or attachment to be granted to the ASF or committed, please note it in one related comment (possible cases: not ready yet, examples, etc.)
    • Also please use preferably .patch as extension for patches. When updating an attached file keep the same name : Jira is able to deal with that and will simply gray old files, you don't need to delete them (sometimes its usefull to compare older patches versions)
    • If you provide a patch, be sure to use the button "Provide Patch" (the status will then be "Patch Available"). This allows us (commiters) to know that this issue is ready for review.
  7. Jira offers a voting mechanism that is used to give more relevance to the issues (see here to learn more)


When to create a Jira issue

  1. Before creating any Jira issue, please check, using some related key words, if a similar issue does not exist already. For that you can first use the quich search at top right of Jira pages and after refine your search using relevant information. For instance by default all projects are scanned, you may then search only in OFBiz, etc.
  2. If you already have a patch for an improvement/fix then create a Jira issue (if there is not one already) and attach your patch to it
  3. If you don't have a patch, and you have discovered a bug, create a Jira issue (if there is not one already) providing as much details as possible (including the rev. number and the environment you are using, and the step to recreate the bug). if you have no ideas how to describe the bug use this template
    1. What you did (including detailed steps to reproduce)
    2. What you expected to happen
    3. What actually happened (including exact quotes of error messages, etc)
    4. If possible provide an URL
  4. If you don't have a patch, and you have want to suggest an enhancement or new feature, then discuss this in the dev mailing list instead of creating a Jira issue; at the end of the discussion, the community will consider if a summary of the thread should be saved in a new Jira issue, to facilitate future development
  5. If you don't have a patch, but you are planning to work on it, and you want to share your design details with the community, you should discuss this in the mailing list instead of creating a Jira issue; if, on the other hand, you don't have time to do this, you have already decided that you want to implement your patch following your design notes, and you just want to let the community know about the upcoming patch, you can create a Jira issue (to which you will attach your patch when it is ready);
  • Bugs: always create a new Jira issue everytime you find a new bug
  • New features/enhancements: create new Jira issue only if you have a patch (or if you plan to submit it very soon)


Editing comments in Jira


This feature should be used very parsimoniously because it's not easy to read edited comments from a mailing list and most people read comments from the dev ML (Jira issues are redirected to dev ML).
So, as far as it's possible, you should better add a new comment than editing one. If you really need to edit a comment, you MUST put a BIG prefix before your comment so it is possible to distinguish it from the original text. That should include more than just a pair of "*" to bold part or all of the response, and should also include your initials so that it is clear which things you added.

  1. Before creating any Jira issue, please check, using some related key words, if a similar issue does not exist already. For that you can first use the quich search at top right of Jira pages and after refine your search using relevant information. For instance by default all projects are scanned, you may then search only in OFBiz, etc.
  • No labels