## Description:
The mission of Apache Fineract is the creation and maintenance of software 
related to a core banking platform that provides a reliable, robust, and 
affordable solution for entrepreneurs, financial institutions, and service 
providers to offer financial services to the world's underbanked and unbanked.

## Issues:
[Insert your own data here]

## Membership Data:
Apache Fineract was founded 2017-04-19 (4 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 19 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Aleksandar Vidakovic on 2020-10-11.
- Victor Romero was added as committer on 2021-07-30

## Project Activity:

### Software Release

Fineract 1.5 was released in May 2021. Release for Fineract 1.6 is been planned for the end of 2021.

### Contributions

Several members of the community have been making code contributions to fix issues found in Email Notification, Bulk Import, Loans and Dependency updates.

James Dailey led efforts to conduct a community survey to gauge how people feel about the Fineract project and gain insides into the contributor profiles and solutions built on top of Apache Fineract 1.x , Fineract CN. Results from this survey were very positive and encouraging. The findings have been published on Confluence and shared on the public mailing list. It also highlighted a few barriers of entry which the community is looking to handle over the coming months.

Audrey Ndum, one of our Outreachy Interns from the December 2020 session has been very active over the past few weeks contributing feature such as: Semi-Monthly Loan configurations, ability to add Holiday Rescheduling and Net Disbursal Amount on loans,  She also upgraded the Bulk import tool to be compatible with the rest of Fineract 1.x.

Avik Ganguly , Manoj Mohanan and Victor Romero have been consistently contributing features and enhancements to both Fineract CN and Fineract 1.x especially around loan configurations, changing the MySQL driver for better performance, better encoding schemes for the database system as well as upgrading Fineract 1.x to the recently released Java 17 LTS.  

Petri Tuomola, Manthan Surkar, Nasser and other committers have continued reviewing code changes while Francis Guchie and  Bharath Gowda have consistently done QA and Functional tests to verify that changes actually work as expected.

Alot of discussions on the Mailing List about the road map for Fineract CN and how to reduce barrier of entry for new contributors. There are also discussions around the architecture of Fineract CN and why its important to update the libraries and do an initial release.

All five of our Google Summer of Code interns successfully passed the program. Linked below are their gist final reports:

### ApacheCon Fineract/FinTech Track Activities

## Community Health:

Community is general healthy even though we are having some heated debates about the future of Apache Fineract CN. These have mostly been constructive and collaborative in nature.

A drastic increase in of more than 130% in the number of emails hitting the public Dev List can be attributed to GSoC activities, bug fixes, Q&A as a result of the new release of Fineract 1.5 in May. As well as ApacheCon 2021 activities.

Number of reported issues are up by 130% due to new bugs discovered in the new release. These are already been addressed for Fineract 1.6. Issues closed grow by the same rate as more contributors for companies using Fineract are helping to fix issues in the new release.

  • issues@fineract.apache.org had a 33% increase in traffic in the past quarter (332 emails compared to 249)
  • 41 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (127% increase)
  • 23 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (130% increase)

There has been a significant increase of 200% in the number of contributors over the past 3 months mainly due to GSoC activities and individuals using Fineract for profit are giving back to the community. We are already discussing adding new committers based on this data so as to refresh the community.

  • 15 code contributors in the past quarter (200% increase)
  • 120 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (7% increase)
  • 118 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (9% increase)

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