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Actor Definitions


tracks financial impact of company activities for management and accountability reporting; manages cash flow

creates and manages financial tools that multiply short-term profits in exchange for long-term fiscal stability (definition added in honour of Sep 2008)


purchases product or materials from third party suppliers (distributors, manufacturers, etc)


party that carries inventory from one place to another, often delivering shipments from Supplier to Company and from Company to Customer


the organization from whose perspective the processes are described, and who will own and run the eventual system


a person or organization that purchases product from the company, can do so in one or more of these more specific Actor roles:

End-User Customer

party who uses the product

Placing Customer

party who places the order for the product

Ship-To Customer

party who the product is shipped to from the company (and who will pass it on to the End-User Customer if they are not also that actor)

Bill-To Customer

party to receives and who is responsible to pay the invoice for the order

Customer Service Representative


Fulfillment Manager

Inventory Mover

moves inventory (stock) around the warehouse, including put away but not including shipment picking


creates actual product, either finished goods and/or sub-assemblies, from materials



person responsible for picking inventory in warehouse and delivering it to packing area


packs inventory into boxes for shipping

Product Marketer

manages customer facing product information and general pricing, promotions, and advertising about products; may be organized into multiple product marketers responsible for different sets of products that Company offers


a party who is interested in purchasing product (prospective customer)


Sales Representative

Company agent responsible for selling product offered by Company

Shipment Receiver

person in the warehouse responsible for receiving shipments


a party that supplies product to the company, typically either a Manufacturer or Distributor

  • No labels


  1. Should we not define what a Vendor is in OFBiz ?

  2. What is the difference between vendor and supplier? If you look up the definition, the two terms are used interchangeably. I'm not sure I see any difference in OFBiz processes when it comes to the roles played by a "vendor" vs. those played by a "supplier". Seems to be just be an arbitrary choice as to when either label is applied to a Party that supplies inventory items to the OFBiz "Company".

    Any comments?

  3. I see that this was answered in an email some time ago by David:

    ===== Start =====

    Um... usually in OFBiz "Vendor" refers to anyone that sells anything,
    including the company running OFBiz and all of its suppliers.

    A "Supplier" is someone you buy from, that's correct.

    A "Customer" is someone that buys from you.


    1. I wonder if a link from glossary to this page would not be helpful