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in an effort to make the Communicaitons events readability and intutive use better propose a refactor of the communicaitons UI

1) using the left, right layout list the types of Communiation events in a tree on the right. left is blank

2) when a type of communication is selected say like an email, an email screen shows in the middle. with menu accross the top.

3) the menu has  Create, Save, Send, Select Template 

4) the right column has the list the communications events by status and/or Date. Statuses like Recieved, Pending, Sent.  below each status is the list of communication event by dates

5) the body is form for Email that is familiar to most form clients they have used. 

6) it would allow selecting content as attachments.

lX) add parser templates for data type of emails. this will allow customer templates for fixed format emails like the UPS tracking email. (should be in the communications event. to lazy to move right now)

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