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Update (2007-05-24):

I created the following JIRA Issues:

with several dependencies, the text of the issues have a Required: field with an info if the current issue depends on another one

Ofbiz trunk revision was 540035, each issue has a patch-file attached.


key-work uses Ofbiz (mostly the entity engine) for over 2 years now.

Last year I had mail contact with David E. Jones about an issue with the class TransactionUtil.

He recommended to contribute changes the Ofbiz Community regularly whenever possible and useful.

It is a long time since this happened, but we finally convinced our management to try

to contribute some changes and extensions to the Ofbiz community.

I read the FAQ and found out that especially complex changes might take a long time

and we may need some "community attendance".

David told me to place our proposal here and to send a link to the mailing list. 

This article is our "trial balloon" to find out whether our changes and improvementsare

welcome and how we could integrate them during the next months. 

The attached zip-file does not contain any source code (yes, I read the FAQ (wink) )

but information and documentation about what we offer.

On the one hand we have some minor fixes or simple changes

(like making a specific attribute public).

On the other hand we developed some major extensions that

may also be interesting for other members of the community, i.e.:

  • Advanced custom SQL integration
  • advanced sorting (locale, collation, natural sort)
  • completely refactored TransactionUtil with documentation and hints
  • on-demand "real"-sql-logging for ALL ofbiz statements
  • ...

In the attached zip file you'll find the entry document overview.htm with links to other files.

I included some PDFs with the basic concepts and I hope there are some topics you might be interested in.

Finally you'll find some api documentation just to get an idea of the classes.

I hope one of the "Ofbiz gurus" will have a look at the attached stuff to make a statement.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards

Karl Eilebrecht (

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (kaeile)

    Chris asked me about the reasons and the need for the sql logging feature.Perhaps, I need to reread the logging discussion again, and ask if this is largely supported among other databases, but can't most of these logging of the sql statements be handled in the database's log, if configured to do so? I recall a mention that the developer may not have sufficient access to the database server to ascertain the database this case where the logging proposal would be more beneficial?

    Last year we felt the need for a logging of all the sql statements ofbiz sends, because we have a scenario with background processes (ECA+Job-based exports and imports) as well as user requests and got into trouble with deadlocks or performance issues (waiting for 'something'). In the production environment it was also an urgent wish to have an on-demand logging to be enabled whenever strange things happen we couldn't reproduce.

    First idea was of course to use the database logging. Unfortunately this is sometimes not easy for a developer since DBMS access is limited and the settings are not trivial to understand. An other problem with DBMS-side-logging is that the output is very vendor dependent and you can't easily identify two transactions started by the same ofbiz user. It is sometimes difficult to group the transactions by (user, use case), especially if the use cases where the same.

    So we developed a JDBC-level logging for ofbiz, including all the needful information. I don't think everyone needs a feature like this, but I think it's great to have it. You can turn it on (i.e. by beanshell) and ten seconds later every sql-statement gets logged. Remember: the feature has no impact on performance when turned off.
