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Hybris FeaturesHybris Feature CapabilitiesOfbiz SupportGapComment
Multiple Storefronts can reside on one server
Split storefronts by country or brand  
Share product catalogs or have separate catalogs per site  
Content catalogs can be shared for multiple languages or kept separate
Partially Supported
Multi lingual support and regional deliveries are partially supported and provided in few custome ERP projects but need to extend it for all major geographies outside US
Should be planned in roadmap
Regional delivery rules are supported
Net/Gross prices can be shown
Homepage - A well designed homepage is generally considered to be the most valuable page on the storefront. The Homepage in the hybris Commerce Accelerator for B2B Commerce is tailored to the best practice principles of the B2B market sector. The layout and design of a Homepage can vary between regions to suit different market territories, such as Europe, U.S., Asia. Use the homepage to prominently display your:
- Promotional content
- Newly released products, ranges, seasons
- Brand news and social media activity tickers
Catalog Pages - There are a number of types of Product Catalog pages in the storefront:  
Category Page - the category page shows the results of a category selection such as 'screwdrivers' in which the user will be presented with a list or grid page of screwdrivers present in that category  
Product Results Page - once a product has been selected from the category page, the product results page is presented containing product details, alternative images, delivery information, ratings, and other product content  
Content Pages - The storefront contains multiple Content Pages including Contact Details, Accessibility, Privacy Policy, FAQs, T&Cs, Jobs, Working with us, Store, Events, Order, Tracking, Delivery Information, Returns, Site Map, Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter and Page Not Found.  
Each site includes the standard core components:
- Page Header
- Pop-up Cart
- Top Navigation
- Breadcrumb Bar
- Page Footer
Website Themes
Hybris Commerce Accelerator uses Grid Based CSS Framework to establish presentation semantics (look and formatting) for websites written in HTML. CSS separates content from presentation, so users can easily switch from one to the other to designate elements such as colors, fonts and layouts. CSS works consistently across all web browsers, and offers a common library that enables developers to quickly get started.
Still not fully sure if CSS seamlessly works across browsers and devices, please revise the details if required
The Accelerator provides quick skinning of a site, with independent themes per storefront
Language selector on the storefront can provide the customer with the ability to change the language of the storefront, based on a configurable list. On the best practice B2B Powertools storefront, customers may choose to view the site in English, German, Simplified Chinese or Japanese.
Not Yet
Multi lingual, multi-reginoal support is available to very limited extend in Ofbiz and need to be extended
Should be planned in roadmap
Currency selector on the storefront provides the customer with the ability to change the currency of the storefront, based on a configurable list.
Back-end business tooling is available in: English, German, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Simplified Chinese
Data Management
hybris enables customers to manage multiple data domains such as product data, customer data, order data and stock on a single platform.
Product data:
Classification - Products are managed as a hierarchy of categories. Products can be assigned to multiple categories for easy customer navigation. Users can define products that include multiple variants.
Variants - One product may have many variations, e.g., length, shape or color,although each of these variations may have similarities, such as all the cordless screwdrivers being offered in a certain set of battery voltage, idle speed and weight. Commerce Accelerator enables each product variation to have a specific product SKU, price and other specifications that can be displayed on the product page.
Pricing is shown on category and product pages, and can include volume pricing where applicable.
Customer data is managed within the My Account area. It contains the ` personal details, delivery addresses, payment information and more.  
Order data is shown as part of the order history information displayed in the My Account - Order History area.  
Stock data shows the number of items in stock. It is displayed as part of product details, both on the category and product page.  
Search and
The Commerce Accelerator provides customers with the ability to search for products within the Product Catalog, either through Facet Navigation or Free Text Search.
- Free Text Search - customers can locate a specific product by using keywords.
- Facet Navigation - provides the ability to refine the set of products being displayed by selecting a particular attributes of the products.
- Precise results with enhanced natural language capabilities such as Stemming, Stopwords and Spell-Checking.
- The customer will be able to sort results via several sorting options and paginate through large result sets.
Based on SOLR Search and Navigation technology, hybris provides a powerful and highly scalable enterprise search. It was built to handle multiple sites, catalogs, currencies and languages effectively.Not Yet
Not supported yet but we know it is in pipelineShould be planned in roadmap
Search and Navigation is configurable through the UI-driven back end business tooling.
Breadcrumb Bar provides the customer with the ability to see their position within the Product Catalog and navigate back to a previous point in the catalog structure.  
Keyword redirects: Merchant can define keywords that redirect shoppers to a specific landing page – product page, basket, micro-site, etc. – when they search for that term.  
Keyword Autocomplete: Give customers suggestions for their search terms while typing keywords, so they need less time to enter a search query and are guided towards searches that return relevant results  
Spelling suggestions: Customers are given spelling suggestions so they can find relevant products when the correct spelling is unknown or a keyword is accidentally misspelledNot Yet
Not sure to what extent its supported in OfbizShould be planned in roadmap
Product Details
The Product Details Page is the key page which brings together all details of the product and contains components of the storefront which allow the customer to explore details of the product including product reviews and delivery information
Product Quickview Lightbox provides a minimalist view of the Product Page without taking the customer away from their current page  
There are two possible layouts of the Product Results Page - Product List and Product Grid layout:
- Product List layout - displays product results as a vertical list.
- Product Grid layout - displays product results as a grid.
- The layout differs between market sectors since the attributes of the product which are important to the customer vary depending on the product type. It also depends on the amount of space required to display a product and the content of the attributes.
Web Content Management
The Web Content Management System (WCMS) enables organizations to quickly create new websites using site wizards
The WCMS Cockpit helps users configure multiple components of the website including:
- HTML Tab
- Mini Cart
- Featured Products or Catalog
- Top Navigation
- Facet Navigation
- Section Header Banner
- Image Banner
- Link List
- Image Carousel Banner
- Horizontal or Vertical Product Carousel Banner
- Information Component
- Small Detail or Thumbnail
- Cross-/Up-Sell, Product Recommendation
- Customer Segmentation management
Users can manually define cross-selling or up-selling rules to give customers product recommendations (e.g., accessories, spare parts)Supported
Personalization can be used to offer promotions which can be restricted to specific customer groups
Not Yet
It might be possible that we might have delivered it few of our clients but not sure if its officially packaged with Ofbiz solution yet
Should be planned in roadmap
Users can create special customer groups, e.g., regular customers or volume spenders
Customers can view products tied to different promotions, and qualify for offers via rules set up by the organizationNot sure about this completely though we might have delivered it few of our customers but not sure if its officially packaged in Ofbiz SolutionShould be planned in roadmap
The following promotion templates are included: bundle, buy “X” get “Y” free, fixed price, product percentage discount, multi-buy, order threshold discount, order threshold free gift, product perfect partner
hybris Commerce Accelerator is fully integrated with hybris Promotion Module Ofbiz solution also has integrated promotions
hybris Commerce Accelerator is fully integrated with hybris Advanced Personalization Module. Key functions include:
Not Yet
Customer segmentation feature is still not very mature and hence very less explored and need to used across range of different workflows
Should be planned in roadmap
Segmentation - Customers can be grouped into customer segments based on defined criteria such as customer behavior or characteristics. These segments can be used for refined marketing activities. New customer segments can be created in the hybris WCMS Cockpit where you can assign new segments to the catalog version and determine in which sites the segments should be available. In the modeling area of the WCMS Cockpit, business users can edit segments and create rules for orders, carts, and users. Each rule type may have multiple conditions; for example, if a user selects the cart rule type, he can add conditions such as “products in cart” or “total sum of cart contents.”
Targeting - Merchants can create personalized pages to display customized promotions, banners, or coupons as well as personalized prices, rebates, product offerings, layouts, navigation, and search results. Specific landing pages can be displayed for different user groups
Testing rule settings and content preview - Business users can test rule settings with Live Edit in the hybris WCMS Cockpit. For example, if he has setup a rule to change the home page promotion based on purchase behavior, he can walk through the checkout process in Live Edit. He then can change the view perspective and return to the store home page where he will be able to validate the segment setting is performing as expected when the new targeted promotion is displayed. A user can also preview a personalized version of a page or a component so it can be seen exactly how customers will
SEO-friendly URL structure - URLs are optimized to improve search engine rankings for pages
SEO-friendly page metadata (title, description and keywords) - Page contents are optimized with meta data to improve search engine rankings for pages  
Store Locator
The Store Locator provides customers with the ability to search for stores which stock the products of the website
Partially Supported
Few of our customers are using the similar features and hence doable in Ofbiz
Should be planned in roadmap
This is an important part of the storefront, where the online channel helps to drive traffic to the offline stores
The Store Search page allows customers to search by territory, such as by town or postal code
The Store Details page allows customers to see the nearest stores to the search location and provides store details such as address, phone number, opening hours, etc.
Mobile - Find stores near me: uses location services to display the stores closest to the customer’s current location.
Mobile ‘Navigate to’ functionality is provided using the device’s native map app
Shopping Cart
The cart section of the storefront allows the customer to easily manage the products and quantities in their cart before they check out
A summarized total value of the customer's cart is available on every page in the page header cart summary  
A summarized list of cart contents is available on every page in the pop-up cart which includes a merchandising banner  
Display promotions - If a product which is part of a promotion is added to the cart, a message can be displayed to make the customer aware the item is part of a promotion, prompting them to add other items from the promotion to the cart  
Savings - Received promotions are displayed in another area of the cart showing all promotions that have been received. The full amount of all promotions received are summed in the Total area of the cartNot Yet
There is no dedicated section to show the savingsShould be planned in roadmap
An administrator can select payment methods which should be made available to customers
In the storefront, customers can select a payment method during the order checkout process  
Customers can store preferred payment methods and related billing information in their profile. Payment methods (Credit and Debit) are supported by out-of-the-box functionality  
For credit and debit card payments, validation of payment data is part of the capturing process. Card numbers are validated before they are accepted by the system  
All credit card information is handled according to PCI standards. Users can store card details, which is physically done at the Payment Service Provider (PSP)  
Out-of-the-box integration with Cybersource is availableNot Yet
Multi-step checkout is available: This flow is used as standard in the mobile storefront, and is an optional checkout flow for the desktop storefronts. It allows the customer to be guided step-by-step through the checkoutPartially Supported
No full fledged and official support for Mobile storefront yetShould be planned in roadmap
Hosted Payment
The Commerce Accelerator has included a standard integration to Cybersource as a hosted Payment Service Provider. They take responsibility for taking the payment details of the Customer so the merchant is relieved of the security risk of handling payment details. By doing this the Customer must be redirected to the Payment Service Provider's website in order to provide their payment details
The experience for the customer is seamlessly handled as part of the multi-step checkout flow  
Hosted payment is only available as part of the multi-step checkout flow  
Fraud Engine
Basic fraud check functionality is included in the Commerce Accelerator, such as:Partially Supported
Very minimal or basic level of fraud checks might be supported in Ofbiz and delivered to few of our client but not all of these
Should be planned in roadmap
Black List - a list of banned email addresses and/or user IDs
Different Address - determines if the shipping address and billing address match
First Time - is triggered when a user submits their first order. First Time is also a flag on other fraud checks to indicate they should only run on a First Time order
Not Yet
Order Entries - ensures the customer is not ordering too many of a single product. This threshold is easily configured at the product level via standard business tools
Order Threshold - ensures the total order amount is within your configured threshold limit, which is managed in the business tools
White List - increases the fraud score if a user is not on a list of favored users
Google Shopping and Local
Data can be exported to Google Shopping and, if available, associated with physical store(s) in Google Local:
- The export is configured and performed per web store and can thus include multiple product catalogs. Configuration and triggering of export tasks is done by the business user via the standard business tools.
- The exported product data is complete (in that it matches Google's requirements) and classified in accordance to the Google Product Taxonomy, and carries a valid link to the storefront. Product images are also exported (as URLs).
Not Yet
Not sure to what extent Ofbiz support the migration/integration with Google shopping
Need to take a call when we would be ready to include it in roadmap if required
Potential customers will be able to access storefronts from the Google Shopping site giving businesses more visibility:
- Retail store locations (PoS) are exported to Google local, so that they show up as "nearby stores" in the Google shopping product search.
- Exported PoS data contains full address including phone number and web site URL, as well as a store category and a unique identifier for the store (which is used by product export in the price-quantity data feed, too). If available, opening hours and a description can also be exported, as well as varying prices for PoS locations, if desired.
Mobile Device Detection
The Commerce Accelerator uses device detection so there is a single URL which is valid across lots of different devices. When a user accesses the storefront he is served the most appropriate UI experience for his device
Not Yet
Ofbiz doesn't have seamless integration across devices
Should be planned in roadmap
hyCACC demonstrates how touch phones can be directed to a touch UI for their device; meanwhile all other devices (computers, tablets, etc.) will be automatically directed to the desktop storefront
This is, conveniently, based on a fully extendable framework. By segmenting devices using the WURFL library it is possible to add a separate UI experience, such as for tablet users
This also ensures that when individuals share links over email, social networks, blogs, etc. the end user will always be shown the storefront in the most appropriate formatting for their device
hybris abstracts the device detection into a Mobile Restriction which is then available for use in the CMS Cockpit
Jirafe Customer Intelligence
The Jirafe Customer Intelligence dashboard is a SaaS-based analytics reporting tool which is fully integrated into the Reports Cockpit. The key reports include:Not Yet
Via BI tools we have started catching up on similar reports but still whole list of reports might not be part of it yet
Should be planned in roadmap
Sales funnel: visits, interested/engaged/ready to buy/completed purchase
Abandoned cart: total # of shopping carts created, #/% of carts abandoned, abandoned cart revenue, abandoned average order value
Visit origin: direct, search, website, email, social, and mobile
Search keyword: # visits, orders, revenue, conversion rate, average order value, revenue/visit
Product & Category: # visits, orders, revenue, conversion rate, average order value, revenue/visit
Referring website: # visits, orders, revenue, conversion rate, average order value, revenue/visit
Bounce rate
Pages viewed
Exit page analysis
Partially Supported
Google Analytics
Javascript on the Commerce Accelerator pages will send information to Google describing the pages viewed by customers and the value of completed of checkouts:
Not Yet
We might have delivered it to few of our clients but not sure if we can announce that all of it is offically packaged with Ofbiz solution yet
Should be planned in roadmap
Record pages viewed to analyze pages viewed in the storefront
Track search results to record the searches that customers make and the results which they obtain in order to analyse customer’s use of the search functionality and identify any search issues
Record the category of products viewed by the customer in order to analyse views of the products within each Category
Track the updates a customer makes to his cart in order to analyse customers selection and de-selection of products
Record orders that customers complete in order to analyse customer purchasing of products
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