Blog from June, 2011

5.2.6 Maintenance Release

A new stable version of Tapestry is available for download, Tapestry 5.2.6. We can recommend that all Tapestry 5.2 applications upgrade to version 5.2.6.

This new version addresses some client-side JavaScript issues, upgrading the built-in copy of Prototype to the latest version (1.7).

Tapestry 5.2.6 can be downloaded in either binary or source format. The release is also available via Maven:


Apache Tapestry version 5.3.0 is now available. This is the first alpha release of Tapestry 5.3. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Tapestry 5.2, adding new components and features, with lower memory utilization, and even faster startup. However, as many deprecated classes have been removed, you should certainly check the release notes. We are quite interested in any upgrade problems you may encounter ... previewing new releases and reporting back is a terrific way to contribute back to Tapestry!

Tapestry is available for download in source format, and available via the central Maven repository:

Maven Dependency

We make bold claims right on the front page about performance and back that up with usually anecdotal evidence. It's nice that a disinterested third party has come up with their own framework performance shootout, covering everthing from Rails to Play to Wicket to (thanks to Kalle) Tapestry 5.2.5. I have to say that Tapestry significantly rocked:

There's a lot more details in the posting; Tapestry out-performed the JSP version of the test application, as well as all of the other component-based frameworks, and most of the action-oriented frameworks.

It's not charted, but Tapestry does pretty well in terms of memory and CPU utilization:

Tapestry has been getting faster, release-on-release. Kalle has promised to update the Tapestry test application to 5.3 once at least a stable alpha release is available and I expect to see some incremental speed improvement, and some more visible reduction in memory utilization.