Blog from December, 2011

The Tapestry Team is very proud to announce the availability of Apache Tapestry 5.3.1.

Tapestry is primarily available for download via Maven, from the Maven central repository:

Maven Dependency

You can also download the source or JavaDocs archives.

Tapestry 5.3.1 is a bug fix release and represents a drop-in replacement for the previous stable 5.3 release.
Full details are in the release notes, but here's a few highlights:

  • @PerThread scope honored when service is created using autobuild
  • @ActivationRequestParameter encoded to be URL friendly
  • Exceptions while compressing JavaScript are fully reported
  • All forms/submission working normally after FileUploadException is raised
  • Asset path prefix configurable

As usual for each Tapestry5 release we've made great efforts to ensure an easy upgrade path; but be sure to read the upgrade notes carefully as some interfaces and methods that were deprecated in Tapestry 5.0 or 5.1 have been removed: you should recompile and retest your application after upgrading your dependency. If you still have problems, use the Tapestry user mailing list to get support.