Tapestry 5.7.3 is a new release focused on some improvements and new features. Main ones are:

  • Upgrading Hibernate's version from 5.1.1.Final to 5.4.32.Final. This required some changes in tapestry-hibernate due to some non-backward-compatible changes between these 2 Hibernate versions. If your project doesn't work with this new Hibernate version, you should be able to use version 5.7.2 of tapestry-hibernate and tapestry-hibernate with 5.7.3 of everything else without issues.
  • Introducing tapestry-spock, an integration of Tapestry with the Spock testing framework, which used to be part of the Spock project.

Improvements made

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

Bugs fixed

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

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