Search Tapestry 5 documentation, including the official documentation on this site, Tapestry 5 JIRA issues, the Tapestry MoinMoin wiki, and several Tapestry-related blogs. (Tapestry 4 users search here.)

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  1. This is a "Google Custom Search Engine" search using an HTML/javascript snippet I produced at in about 3 minutes. If anyone wants changes made to the underlying search model, I can do that via my Google account, or contact me and I should be able to give you access to it. Or you can go to the Google CSE site and produce your own set of HTML/javascript and replace what is pasted here.

    Here are the CSE settings:

    I think it's pretty cool that the search includes Tapestry Central and other Tapestry-focused blogs as well as JIRA issues.

  2. Hi Bob Harner, it seems like Google changed how CSE works... I'm trying to fix it with a new version, removing dead sites.

    If anyone wants to be added as a user feel free to contact me. Or if you would like that the CSE is owned by someone else.