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Code Block
public class DescribeClientQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeClientQuotasOptions> {
    // Empty.

 * The result of the {@link Admin#DescribeClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaFilter>, DescribeClientQuotasOptions)} call.
public class DescribeClientQuotasResult {

     * Maps an entity to its configured quota value(s). Note if no value is defined for a quota
     * type for that entity's config, then it is not included in the resulting value map.
     * @param entities the collection of entities that matched the filter
    public DescribeClientQuotasResult(KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaEntity, Map<QuotaKey, Long>>> entities);

     * Returns a map from quota entity to a future which can be used to check the status of the operation.
    public KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaEntity, Map<QuotaKey, Long>>> entities();

public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {

     * Describes all entities matching all provided filters (logical AND) that have at least one
     * quota value defined.
     * @param filters filters to apply to matching entities
     * @param options the options to use
     * @return result containing all matching entities
    DescribeClientQuotasResult DescribeClientQuotasdescribeClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaFilter> filters, DescribeClientQuotasOptions options);


Code Block
public class DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions> {

     * Whether to exclude the list of overridden values for every quota type in the result.
    public DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions setOmitOverriddenValues(boolean omitOverriddenValues);

 * The result of the {@link Admin#DescribeEffectiveClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaEntity>, DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions)} call.
public class DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResult {
     * Information about a specific quota configuration entry.
    public class Entry {
         * @param source the entity source for the value
         * @param value the non-null value
        public Entry(QuotaEntity source, Long value);

     * Information about the value for a quota type.
    public class Value {
         * @param entry the quota entry
         * @param overriddenEntries all values that are overridden due to being lower in
         *                          specificity, or null if not requested
        public Value(Entry entry, List<Entry> overriddenEntries);

     * Maps a collection of entities to their effective quota values.
     * @param config the quota configuration for the requested entities
    public DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResult(Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaKey, Value>>> config);

     * Returns a map from quota entity to a future which can be used to check the status of the operation.
    public Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaKey, Value>>> config();

     * Returns a future which succeeds only if all quota descriptions succeed.
    public KafkaFuture<Void> all();

public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {

     * Describes the effective quotas for the provided entities.
     * @param entities the entities to describe the effective quotas for
     * @param options the options to use
     * @return the effective quotas for the entities
    DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResult DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasdescribeEffectiveClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaEntity> entities, DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions options);


Code Block
public class AlterClientQuotasEntry {
    public class Op {
         * @param key the quota type and units to alter
         * @param value if set then the existing value is updated,
         *              otherwise if null, the existing value is cleared
        public Op(QuotaKey key, Long value);

     * @param entity the entity whose config will be modified
     * @param ops the alteration to perform - if value is set, then the existing value is updated,
     *            otherwise if null, the existing value is cleared
    public AlterClientQuotasEntry(QuotaEntity entity, Collection<Op> ops);

public class AlterClientQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<AlterClientQuotasOptions> {
     * Sets whether the request should be validated without altering the configs.
    public AlterClientQuotasOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

 * The result of the {@link Admin#AlterClientQuotas(Collection<AlterClientQuotasEntry>, AlterClientQuotasOptions)} call.
 * The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class AlterClientQuotasResult {
    public AlterClientQuotasResult(Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Void>> futures);

     * Returns a map from quota entity to a future which can be used to check the status of the operation.
    public Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Void>> values();

     * Returns a future which succeeds only if all quota alterations succeed.
    public KafkaFuture<Void> all();

public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {

     * Alters the quotas as specified for the entries.
     * @param alterations the alterations to perform
     * @return the result of the alterations
    AlterClientQuotasResult AlterClientQuotasalterClientQuotas(Collection<AlterClientQuotasEntry> entries, AlterClientQuotasOptions options);


Exclusive to --list:
--prefix: Comma-separated prefix=name pairs, e.g. "user=test-".

Exclusive to --describe:
--show-overridden: Whether to include overridden config entriesNone.

Exclusive to --alter:
--add: Comma-separated list of entries to add or update to the configuration, in format "name:unit=value".
--delete: Comma-separated list of entries to remove from the configuration, in format "name:unit".
--validate-only: If set, validates the alteration but doesn't perform it.


When specifying configuration entries, the form: quota-name[:quota-unit][=quota-value] is used. For convenience, if no quota unit is specified, then the historical default RATE_BPS is used.


In general, the output of the entities will be of the form: {entity-type=entity-name, ...}, where entity-name is sanitized for output since it is an opaque string. When displaying configuration values, the form: quota-name:quota-unit=quota-value.


Code Block
$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe \

consumer_byte_rate:shares=200 {user=user-one, client-id=my-client}
producer_byte_rate:bps=10000000 {user=user-one, client-id=my-client}
producer_byte_rate:broker_bps=500000 {user=<default>, client-id=my-client}

$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe \
                              --names=user=user-two,client-id=my-client    \

consumer_byte_rate:shares=100 {user=<default>, client-id=my-client}
producer_byte_rate:broker_bps=2000000 {user=user-two, client-id=my-client}
* producer_byte_rate:broker_bps=500000 {user=<default>, client-id=my-client}
