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1KIP-331 Add default implementation to close() and configure() for Serializer, Deserializer and Serde2.2.0 (WIP)
2KIP-372: Naming Repartition Topics for Joins and Grouping2.1.0
3KIP-371: Add a configuration to build custom SSL principal name2.2.0 (WIP)
4KIP 368: Allow SASL Connections to Periodically Re-Authenticate2.2.0 (WIP)
5KIP-367 Introduce close(Duration) to Producer and AdminClient instead of close(long, TimeUnit)2.2.0 (WIP)
6KIP-366: Make FunctionConversions deprecated2.1.0
7KIP-365: Materialized, Serialized, Joined, Consumed and Produced with implicit Serde2.1.0
8KIP-361: Add Consumer Configuration to Disable Auto Topic Creation2.2.0 (WIP)
9KIP-359: Verify leader epoch in produce requests2.2.0 (WIP)
10KIP-358: Migrate Streams API to Duration instead of long ms times2.2.0 (WIP)
11KIP-357: Add support to list ACLs per principal2.1.0
12KIP-356: Add withCachingDisabled() to StoreBuilder2.1.0
13KIP-353: Improve Kafka Streams Timestamp Synchronization2.1.0
14KIP-342 Add support for custom SASL extensions in OAuthBearer authentication2.1.0
15KIP-341: Update Sticky Assignor's User Data Protocol2.2.0 (WIP)
16KIP-339: Create a new IncrementalAlterConfigs API2.2.0 (WIP)
17KIP-338 Support to exclude the internal topics in command2.1.0
18KIP-340: Allow and to take admin client property file2.1.0
19KIP-336: Consolidate ExtendedSerializer/Serializer and ExtendedDeserializer/Deserializer2.1.0
20KIP-332: Update AclCommand to use AdminClient API2.1.0
21KIP-330: Add retentionPeriod in SessionBytesStoreSupplier2.1.0
22KIP-328: Ability to suppress updates for KTables2.2.0 (WIP)
23KIP-324: Add method to get metrics() in AdminClient2.1.0
24KIP-322: Return new error code for DeleteTopics API when topic deletion disabled.2.1.0
25KIP-321: Update TopologyDescription to better represent Source and Sink Nodes2.1.0
26KIP-320: Allow fetchers to detect and handle log truncation2.1.0
27KIP-319: Replace segments with segmentInterval in WindowBytesStoreSupplier2.1.0
28KIP-313: Add KStream.flatTransform and KStream.flatTransformValues 2.2.0 (WIP)
29KIP-312 Add Overloaded StreamsBuilder Build Method to Accept java.util.Properties2.1.0
30KIP-308: Support dynamic update of max.connections.per.ip/max.connections.per.ip.overrides2.1.0
31KIP-306: Configuration for Delaying Response to Failed Authentication2.1.0
32KIP-305: Add Connect primitive number converters2.0.0
33KIP-303: Add Dynamic Routing in Streams Sink2.0.0
34KIP-302 - Enable Kafka clients to use all DNS resolved IP addresses2.21.0 (WIP)
35KIP-298: Error Handling in Connect2.0.0
36KIP-297: Externalizing Secrets for Connect Configurations2.0.0
37KIP-295 Add Streams Configuration Allowing for Optional Topology Optimization2.0.0
38KIP-294 - Enable TLS hostname verification by default2.0.0
39KIP-292: Add transformValues() method to KTable2.0.0
40KIP-290: Support for Prefixed ACLs2.0.0
41KIP-289: Improve the default group id behavior in KafkaConsumer2.2.0 (WIP)
42KIP-285: Connect Rest Extension Plugin2.0.0
43KIP-284: Set default retention ms for Streams repartition topics to Long.MAX_VALUE2.0.0
44KIP-283: Efficient Memory Usage for Down-Conversion2.0.0
45KIP-282: Add the listener name to the authentication context2.0.0
46KIP-281: ConsumerPerformance: Increase Polling Loop Timeout and Make It Reachable by the End User2.0.0
47KIP-279: Fix log divergence between leader and follower after fast leader fail over2.0.0
48KIP-278 - Add version option to Kafka's commands2.0.0
49KIP-277 - Fine Grained ACL for CreateTopics API2.0.0
50KIP-276 - Add StreamsConfig prefix for different consumers2.0.0
51KIP-274: Kafka Streams Skipped Records Metrics2.0.0
52KIP-272: Add API version tag to broker's RequestsPerSec metric2.0.0
53KIP-270 - A Scala Wrapper Library for Kafka Streams2.0.0
54KIP-268: Simplify Kafka Streams Rebalance Metadata Upgrade2.0.0
55KIP-267: Add Processor Unit Test Support to Kafka Streams Test Utils2.0.0
56KIP-266: Fix consumer indefinite blocking behavior2.0.0
57KIP-265: Make Windowed Serde to public APIs2.0.0
58KIP-261: Add Single Value Fetch in Window Stores2.0.0
59KIP-257 - Configurable Quota Management2.0.0
60KIP-255: OAuth Authentication via SASL/OAUTHBEARER2.0.0
61KIP-251: Allow timestamp manipulation in Processor API2.0.0
62KIP-249: Add Delegation Token Operations to KafkaAdminClient2.0.0
63KIP-247: Add public test utils for Kafka Streams1.1.0
64KIP-245: Use Properties instead of StreamsConfig in KafkaStreams constructor2.0.0
65KIP-244: Add Record Header support to Kafka Streams Processor API2.0.0
66KIP-243: Make ProducerConfig and ConsumerConfig constructors public1.1.0
67KIP-239 Add queryableStoreName() to GlobalKTable1.1.0
68KIP-238: Expose Kafka cluster ID in Connect REST API1.1.0
69KIP-237: More Controller Health Metrics2.0.0
70KIP-235: Add DNS alias support for secured connection2.1.0
71KIP-233: Simplify StreamsBuilder#addGlobalStore1.1.0
72KIP-231: Improve the Required ACL of ListGroups API2.1.0
73KIP-229: DeleteGroups API1.1.0
74KIP-227 - Introduce Incremental FetchRequests to Increase Partition Scalability1.1.0
75KIP-226 - Dynamic Broker Configuration1.1.0
76KIP-225 - Use tags for consumer “records.lag” metrics1.1.0
77KIP-224: Add configuration parameter `retries` to Streams API1.1.0
78KIP-223 - Add per-topic min lead and per-partition lead metrics to KafkaConsumer2.0.0
79KIP-222 - Add Consumer Group operations to Admin API2.0.0
80KIP-220: Add AdminClient into Kafka Streams' ClientSupplier1.1.0
81KIP-219 - Improve quota communication2.0.0
82KIP-218: Make KafkaFuture.Function java 8 lambda compatible1.1.0
83KIP-215: Add topic regex support for Connect sinks1.1.0
84KIP-214: Add config to the broker1.1.0
85KIP-212: Enforce set of legal characters for connector names1.1.0
86KIP-211: Revise Expiration Semantics of Consumer Group Offsets2.1.0
87KIP-210 - Provide for custom error handling when Kafka Streams fails to produce1.1.0
88KIP-208: Add SSL support to Kafka Connect REST interface1.1.0
89KIP-207: Offsets returned by ListOffsetsResponse should be monotonically increasing even during a partition leader change2.2.0 (WIP)
90KIP-206: Add support for UUID serialization and deserialization2.1.0
91KIP-205: Add all() and range() API to ReadOnlyWindowStore1.1.0
92KIP-204 : Adding records deletion operation to the new Admin Client API1.1.0
93KIP-203: Add toLowerCase support to rule 1.1.0
94KIP-202: Move merge() from StreamsBuilder to KStream1.0.0
95KIP-198: Remove ZK dependency from Streams Reset Tool1.0.0
96KIP-197 Connect REST API should include the connector type when describing a connector1.0.0
97KIP-196: Add metrics to Kafka Connect framework1.0.0
98KIP-195: AdminClient.createPartitions1.0.0
99KIP-192 : Provide cleaner semantics when idempotence is enabled1.0.0
100KIP-191: KafkaConsumer.subscribe() overload that takes just Pattern1.0.0
101KIP-190: Handle client-ids consistently between clients and brokers1.0.0
102KIP-189: Improve principal builder interface and add support for SASL1.0.0
103KIP-188 - Add new metrics to support health checks1.0.0
104KIP-187 - Add cumulative count metric for all Kafka rate metrics1.0.0
105KIP-186: Increase offsets retention default to 7 days2.0.0
106KIP-183 - Change PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionCommand to use AdminClient2.0.0
107KIP-182: Reduce Streams DSL overloads and allow easier use of custom storage engines1.0.0
108KIP-180: Add a broker metric specifying the number of consumer group rebalances in progress1.1.0
109KIP-177: Consumer perf tool should count rebalance time1.0.0
110KIP-176: Remove deprecated new-consumer option for tools2.0.0
111KIP-175: Additional '--describe' views for ConsumerGroupCommand1.1.0
112KIP-174 - Deprecate and remove internal converter configs in WorkerConfig2.0.0
113KIP-173: Add prefix to StreamsConfig to enable setting default internal topic configs1.0.0
114KIP-171 - Extend Consumer Group Reset Offset for Stream Application1.1.0
115KIP-168: Add GlobalTopicCount and GlobalPartitionCount metric per cluster1.0.0
116KIP-167: Add interface for the state store restoration process1.0.0

KIP-164 - Add UnderMinIsrPartitionCount and per-partition UnderMinIsr metrics


KIP-163: Lower the Minimum Required ACL Permission of OffsetFetch

119KIP-162: Enable topic deletion by default1.0.0
120KIP-161: streams deserialization exception handlers1.0.0
121KIP-160: Augment KStream.print(), KStream.writeAsText() to allow users pass in extra parameters in the printed string1.0.0
122KIP-157 - Add consumer config options to streams reset tool1.0.0
123KIP-156 Add option "dry run" to Streams application reset tool0.11.0.0
124KIP-155 - Add range scan for windowed state stores0.11.0.0
125KIP-154 Add Kafka Connect configuration properties for creating internal topics0.11.0.0
126KIP-153: Include only client traffic in BytesOutPerSec metric0.11.0.0
127KIP-152 - Improve diagnostics for SASL authentication failures1.0.0
128KIP-151 Expose Connector type in REST API0.11.0.0
129KIP-150 - Kafka-Streams Cogroup2.2.0 (WIP)
130KIP-149: Enabling key access in ValueTransformer, ValueMapper, and ValueJoiner1.1.0 (partially implemented)
(WIP for 2.2.0)
131KIP-146 - Classloading Isolation in Connect

132KIP-145 - Expose Record Headers in Kafka Connect1.1.0
133KIP-144: Exponential backoff for broker reconnect attempts0.11.0.0
134KIP-143: Controller Health Metrics0.11.0.0
135KIP-140: Add administrative RPCs for adding, deleting, and listing ACLs0.11.0.0
136KIP-138: Change punctuate semantics1.0.0
137KIP-137: Enhance TopicCommand --describe to show topics marked for deletion0.11.0.0
138KIP-136: Add Listener name to SelectorMetrics tags0.11.0.0
139KIP-134: Delay initial consumer group rebalance0.11.0.0
140KIP-133: Describe and Alter Configs Admin APIs0.11.0.0
141KIP-130: Expose states of active tasks to KafkaStreams public API1.0.0
142KIP-129: Streams Exactly-Once Semantics0.11.0.0
143KIP-128: Add ByteArrayConverter for Kafka Connect0.11.0.0
144KIP-126 - Allow KafkaProducer to split and resend oversized batches.
145KIP-124 - Request rate quotas0.11.0.0
146KIP-123: Allow per stream/table timestamp extractor0.11.0.0
147KIP-122: Add Reset Consumer Group Offsets tooling0.11.0.0
148KIP-121: Add KStream peek method

149KIP-120: Cleanup Kafka Streams builder API1.0.0
150KIP-119: Drop Support for Scala 2.10 in Kafka
151KIP-118: Drop Support for Java 72.0.0
152KIP-117: Add a public AdminClient API for Kafka admin operations0.11.0.0
153KIP-115: Enforce offsets.topic.replication.factor upon __consumer_offsets auto topic creation0.11.0.0
154KIP-114: KTable state stores and improved semantics0.11.0.0
155KIP-113: Support replicas movement between log directories1.1.0
156KIP-112: Handle disk failure for JBOD1.0.0
157KIP-110: Add Codec for ZStandard Compression2.1.0
158KIP-109: Old Consumer Deprecation0.11.0.0
159KIP-108: Create Topic Policy0.10.2.0
160KIP-107: Add deleteRecordsBefore() API in AdminClient0.11.0.0

KIP-106 - Change Default unclean.leader.election.enabled from True to False
162KIP-105: Addition of Record Level for Sensors0.10.2.0
163KIP-104: Granular Sensors for Streams
164KIP-103: Separation of Internal and External traffic0.10.2.0
165KIP-102 - Add close with timeout for consumers0.10.2.0
166KIP-101 - Alter Replication Protocol to use Leader Epoch rather than High Watermark for Truncation0.11.0.0
167KIP-100 - Relax Type constraints in Kafka Streams API0.10.2.0
168KIP-99: Add Global Tables to Kafka Streams0.10.2.0
169KIP-98 - Exactly Once Delivery and Transactional Messaging0.11.0.0
170KIP-97: Improved Kafka Client RPC Compatibility Policy0.10.2.0
171KIP-96 - Add per partition metrics for in-sync and assigned replica count0.10.2.0
172KIP-94 Session Windows0.10.2.0
173KIP-93: Improve invalid timestamp handling in Kafka Streams0.10.2.0
174KIP-92 - Add per partition lag metrics to KafkaConsumer0.10.2.0
175KIP-91 Provide Intuitive User Timeouts in The Producer2.1.0
176KIP-90 - Remove zkClient dependency from Streams0.10.2.0
177KIP-89: Allow sink connectors to decouple flush and offset commit0.10.2.0
178KIP-88: OffsetFetch Protocol Update0.10.2.0
179KIP-86: Configurable SASL callback handlers2.0.0
180KIP-85: Dynamic JAAS configuration for Kafka clients0.10.2.0
181KIP-84: Support SASL SCRAM mechanisms0.10.2.0
182KIP-82 - Add Record Headers0.11.0.0
183KIP-81: Bound Fetch memory usage in the consumer2.2.0 (WIP)
184KIP-79 - ListOffsetRequest/ListOffsetResponse v1 and add timestamp search methods to the new consumer0.10.1.0
185KIP-78: Cluster Id0.10.1.0
186KIP-77: Improve Kafka Streams Join Semantics0.10.2.0
187KIP-75 - Add per-connector Converters0.10.1.0
188KIP-74: Add Fetch Response Size Limit in Bytes0.10.1.0
189KIP-73: Replication Quotas0.10.1.0
190KIP-72: Allow putting a bound on memory consumed by Incoming request 1.0.0
191KIP-71: Enable log compaction and deletion to co-exist0.10.1.0
192KIP-70: Revise Partition Assignment Semantics on New Consumer's Subscription Change0.10.1.0
193KIP-67: Queryable state for Kafka Streams0.10.1.0
194KIP-66: Single Message Transforms for Kafka Connect0.10.2.0 /
195KIP-65: Expose timestamps to Connect0.10.1.0
196KIP-63: Unify store and downstream caching in streams0.10.1.0
197KIP-62: Allow consumer to send heartbeats from a background thread0.10.1.0
198KIP-60 - Make Java client classloading more flexible0.10.1.0
199KIP-58 - Make Log Compaction Point Configurable0.10.1.0
200KIP-57 - Interoperable LZ4 Framing0.10.0.0
201KIP-56: Allow cross origin HTTP requests on all HTTP methods0.10.0.0
202KIP-55: Secure Quotas for Authenticated Users0.10.1.0
203KIP-54: Sticky Partition Assignment Strategy0.11.0.0
204KIP-52: Connector Control APIs0.10.0.0
205KIP-51 - List Connectors REST API0.10.0.0
206KIP-50 - Move Authorizer to o.a.k.common package0.10.1.0
207KIP-48 Delegation token support for Kafka1.1.0
208KIP-45 - Standardize all client sequence interaction on j.u.Collection.
209KIP-43: Kafka SASL enhancements0.10.0.0
210KIP-42: Add Producer and Consumer Interceptors0.10.0.0
211KIP-41: Consumer Max Records0.10.0.0
212KIP-40: ListGroups and DescribeGroup0.9.0.0
213KIP-38: ZooKeeper Authentication0.9.0.0
214KIP-36 - Rack aware replica assignment0.10.0.0
215KIP-35 - Retrieving protocol version0.10.0.0
216KIP-33 - Add a time based log index0.10.1.0
217KIP-32 - Add timestamps to Kafka message0.10.0.0
218KIP-31 - Move to relative offsets in compressed message sets0.10.0.0
219KIP-28 - Add a processor client0.10.0.0
220KIP-26 - Add Kafka Connect framework for data import/export0.9.0.0
221KIP-25 - System test improvements0.9.0.0
222KIP-22 - Expose a Partitioner interface in the new producer0.9.0.0
223KIP-21 - Dynamic Configuration0.9.0.0 (WIP)
224KIP-20 Enable log preallocate to improve consume performance under windows and some old Linux file system0.9.0.0
225KIP-19 - Add a request timeout to NetworkClient0.9.0.0
226KIP-16 - Automated Replica Lag Tuning0.9.0.0
227KIP-15 - Add a close method with a timeout in the producer0.9.0.0
228KIP-13 - Quota Design0.9.0.0
229KIP-12 - Kafka Sasl/Kerberos and SSL implementation0.9.0.0
230KIP-11 - Kafka Authorizer design0.9.0.0
231KIP-8 - Add a flush method to the producer API0.9.0.0
232KIP-4 - Metadata Protocol Changes0.10.0.0
233KIP-4 - Command line and centralized administrative operations0.9.0.0,,
234KIP-3 - Mirror Maker Enhancement0.9.0.0
235KIP-2 - Refactor brokers to allow listening on multiple ports and IPs0.9.0.0
236KIP-1 - Remove support of request.required.acks0.9.0.0
