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In Ignite 2.x there are several different mechanisms (some of them are 'nested') that share a semi-common goal:

  • Atomic cache protocol to execute atomic updates on keys within a single partition
  • 2PC-like replication protocol for transactional cache to replicate transactions between primary and backups
  • System cache to store a part of cluster metadata (authentication information, services assignments)
  • Additional system caches to store instances of data structures (Locks, Semaphores, etc)
  • Various local and distributed values maintained via discovery custom events (caches, indexes, baseline topology)
  • Distributed metadata storage based on discovery custom events (migrated services assignments, baseline auto-adjust configuration)

Each of these mechanisms has its own implementation, while none of them can guarantee consistency out of the box during network partitioning. This document suggests a design which will eliminate duplicating logical pieces of code and provide robust building blocks for cluster metadata management and cache protocols.


Revisited Distributed Metastorage

To manage cluster metadata, we suggest exploiting schema and API similar to the ones exposed by the ETCD service. The distributed metastorage is a simple HA KV storage with:

  • Total ordering of all CRUD updates (each update produces monotonically increasing across all keys version)
  • Ability to read past versions of a key and manual old versions cleanup
  • Ability to query the list of changes a given range of keys. The query start is denoted by a KV range and a start version so that the metastorage will stream all updates in the given range starting from the given version in chronological order. The query can be repeated as many times as the client requested until the updates with the given version are manually requested to be compacted.

Such a metastorage becomes a golden source of truth for metadata for each node in the cluster. Cluster configuration (including caches), additional cache metadata (indexes, data schema), affinity assignment, baseline topology, services assignments will be moved to the metadata storage. Discovery custom events will be eliminated as a low-level synchronization primitive in favor of ordered data updates in the metadata storage.

A typical usage pattern for the distributed metastorage in pseudocode may look as follows:

Updating entry in metastorage
propVal, propVersion =;

newVal = update(...); // Update property value according to the running action

updated = metastorage.putConditional(key, newVal, propVersion);

if (!updated) {
    // Handle a concurrent update to the same property.
Following metastorage updates
propVal, propVersion = currentState(key); // Get the latest property value the the local node has seen/processed., propVersion, (key, value, version) -> {
    // Process updates propagated to the metastorage. Executed in the same order on all nodes.

Raft as Metastorage Replication Protocol

As a fundamental building block for distributed metastorage, an implementation of the Raft consensus protocol will be used. The protocol is well-studied and has a large number of implementations, we can use one of them as a library, adopt the code of existing implementation for Ignite, or write a custom one. 

Raft provides a consistent replicated log of abstract commands which are applied to an abstract state machine once the commands are replicated. Each command in the log has a sequence number thus providing an implicit version for each of the executed commands. Additional version numbering scheme can be introduced as commands get executed to avoid coupling with the log indexes.

Raft replication group for metastorage will be deployed on a small subset of Ignite nodes (3-5-7 nodes) to avoid high latency for metastorage updates and reduce the time of leader election in large clusters. Upon a node failure, the metastorage replication group may trigger automatic reconfiguration after some timeout to ensure a sufficient number of replicas in the replication group.

Additional Replication Protocols

Assuming we have a HA split-brain resistant distributed metastorage, we can implement other replication protocols with different availability and performance properties, such as PacificA [2]. Both protocols provide the same distributed log abstraction for commands replication. The table below summarizes the difference between the two protocols:

Availability conditionsA majority of the group must be online to make progressCan make progress even with one member left
DependenciesIndependentRequires external consistent configuration manager
LatencyCan acknowledge an operation after a majority of the group respondedMust await responses from either all group members or wait for failure detection timeout and reconfigure the group before acknowledging an operation
Relies on clock timeouts to ensure linearizability of operations

Further Applications

Partition Replication

The replication protocol can be used as an abstraction for hiding primary-backup nodes replication so that upper layers work with partition objects regardless of how many nodes the data is replicated to. In this case, the atomic cache operations become trivial CRUD operations replicated by the protocol. Moreover, there is no need to differentiate between atomic and transactional caches as multi-partition transactions become a set of operations that are applied to partitions (which are, in turn, replicated within each partition).

Additionally, since log replication and operation application are separated, the latency of an update will not depend on the complexity of the operation itself (for example, the number of secondary indexes used for a given table).

Data Structures Building Block

An instance of replication protocol can be used to further implement various data structures and synchronization primitives that are currently placed in a separate system cache.

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