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  • Provider
    • Account Manager - person in Account Services responsible for a specific Client, or a project for that Client
    • Contributor - anyone who does work requested by a Client (task assignee, request handler, group member)
    • Group Manager - person who manages a group of Contributors
  • Client
    • Client Manager - client representative who needs information about project status and finances


Account Manager sets up a new project

Account Manager gets clearance to begin work on a new project. Account Manager sets up a new project (associated to the Account Manager who sets it up). Account Manager creates top level tasks for major parts of the project (such as analysis, review, and implementation) and assigns each to the Contributor who will be responsible for those areas of the project (at least creating the next level of tasks below the top level and assigning those to the Contributor responsible for them). Based on Work Statement Account Manager specifies billing rates for specific individuals if they are different from the default billing rates for those people.

Group Manager sets up preferences

Contributor works on a task assigned to them

Contributor reviews tasks assigned to them. Contributor works on a task assigned to them. Contributor reviews notes and other content attached to the task. Contributor adds notes and attaches files or other content to the task (as needed). Contributor records time worked on the task after each work session (on a daily basis at least) along with a description of what they did during that time and their estimation for time remaining on the task (kept separate from the main estimated time). Contributor adds or edits notes on a task (which may include links to content in Confluence). When Contributor is done with their part of the task (maybe all of the task) Contributor delegates the task to any group within Provider organization with a reason of "My Part Finished", or when Contributor needs help or support a reason of "Need Support/Help", and in either case writes a note about what was done and what needs to be done next.

When Contributor wants help on a specific part of a task or wants to track or manage the task more granularly Contributor creates one or more sub-tasks and assigns it to desired group (specifying priority, estimate time (hours), skills required for Contributors working on it, tasks the task is dependent on (simple dependency: other task must be complete before this task can start)).

When a task becomes ready for a status change (among Planned, Open For Work (Approved), Complete, Cancelled) and if Contributor owns the task Contributor records the new status of the task. If Contributor owns a task and task would be better under another task that Contributor also owns then Contributor moves task from being under one parent to another.

Group Manager reviews group tasks

Contributor (Group Manager) reviews tasks assigned to a group they manage. Contributor (Group Manager) assigns tasks assigned to a group they manage to a member of their group, or delegates the task to another group. Contributor (Group Manager) reviews tasks assigned to all members of their group. Contributor (Group Manager) may assign a task assigned to a Contributor in their group to another Contributor in their group, or assign or delegate it to another group, based on whether or not they are still accountable for the task.

Contributor (Group Manager) and all Contributors assigned to a group review a task plan chart that shows for each Contributor the recent tasks worked on (1 day into the past) and projects future tasks for 2 weeks (sorted by priority/dependency, then by estimated time shortest first for equal priorities), with task working time determined by available calendar configured for the user.

When Contributor has no tasks assigned to them needed attention or when wondering about other work to be done, Contributor reviews tasks assigned to a group they are a member of. Contributor accepts task assigned to a group they are in, making the task assigned to them.

Client Manager reviews status of project and requests as needed.

Account Manager handles Client requests

Client Manager creates request (for issue resolution, new feature, or question answer). Account Manager reviews incoming requests and either handles them or assigns them to the best group to handle them. Contributor reviews list of requests assigned to a group they are in and accepts a request to work on. Group Manager reviews requests assigned to their group and assigns them to a Contributor in their group. Contributor reviews requests assigned to them and selects one to work on. Contributor works on handling the request, creating a new task for the request if any work is needed. Contributor adds notes as needed to the request. When finished with the request Contributor delegates request to Account Manager. If Contributor needs support or help with a request Contributor delegates request to a group. Account Manager changes status of request when ready (from Open to Completed or Cancelled). Client Manager reviews request status and details as needed.

Client Manager contacts Account Manager to request information about a project. Account Manager reviews project information to find requested information (possibly including: total hours estimated, worked so far, and estimated remaining; total billed so far and total estimated to be billed; product start date, calendar time (days) since project start, estimated project end date and days to end; status of specific tasks or requests related to the project). If desired information is not recorded Account Manager will find someone who knows and ask them to record the information (if recordable) or will pass it back directly to Client Manager.

Account Manager monitors Client projects and invoices

Account Manager periodically (once per week) sends Client a status on all of their active projects. Account Manager periodically (once per month) reviews outstanding invoices for all Clients. Account Manager sends reminder statement to Clients with information about past-due invoices with a total amount owed.

Account Manager may manually create an invoice. Account Manager periodically (according to time periods agreed on in a work statement) creates an invoice for a Client based on all billable hours not yet invoiced for relevant projects up to the end date for the invoice, or adds them to an existing invoice. Account Manager edits invoice to add invoice items for incurred expenses, fixed bid efforts, and other misc charges. Account Manager marks the invoice as complete, making it visible to Client Manager, and also sends invoice to Client on paper or electronically. Client sends invoice payment to Provider. Account Manager records payment received and applies it to one or more outstanding invoices.

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