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This page is intended to be the root of Cookbook, FAQ, Tips, Tricks, HowTo, etc. (will perhaps be separated later).
You may find supplementary usefull informations at Old OFBiz wiki and Opentaps OFBiz cookbooks part

Tables of content  

Apache HTTPD (Apache Web server)

Ajax - Javascript - Json





Lamba Probe



Production Tips

Quick Start Guides





FAQ - TIPS - Cookbook - How to 

How to use mod_proxy_ajp

 You need to use a 2.2+ version of HTTPD. I used 2.2.6.

In httpd.conf 

Uncomment (or compile with at least these modules using --enable)
#LoadModule proxy_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/

Set ServerAdmin, ServerName

Add something like

ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>
        AddDefaultCharset off
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

# Enable/disable the handling of HTTP/1.1 "Via:" headers.
# ("Full" adds the server version; "Block" removes all outgoing Via: headers)
# Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block
ProxyVia On

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
    #   General setup for the virtual host
    DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
    ErrorLog logs/error_log
    TransferLog logs/access_log


    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    proxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/(images/.);jsessionid=\w$ /$1     

include conf/httpd-ssl.conf

In httpd-ssl.conf


<VirtualHost _default_:443>

#   General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
ErrorLog "/usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log"
TransferLog "/usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log"


<VirtualHost *:443>
    #   General setup for the virtual host
    DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
    ErrorLog "/usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log"
    TransferLog "/usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log"


    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    proxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/(images/.);jsessionid=\w$ /$1    

It should work. On Windows the configuration is the same. Don't forget to edit file (change 8080 to 80 and 8443 to 443).

Thanks to Raj Saini for this tip 

Change a field type in Derby 

  1. Export the table to xml
  2. Drop the table
  3. Start OFBiz - table recreated with new structure
  4. Import xml data from #1

Advice from Adrian Crum.

Browse a Derby database and more using SQuirrel
For the URL use something like jdbc:derby:c:/ofbiz/runtime/data/derby/ofbiz (of course using your right path)

Link from Sundeep Ray. There is an alternative to this solution :

Use CVV (also called CV2 and more acronyms) codes in OFBiz

As of rev. 585172 (date 2008-10-16) the changes mentioned below have been officially included in the OFBiz trunk.

Using gift-card in OFBIz

Steps to use GC with OFBiz demo data:
After you create GC for a party(e.g for DemoCustCompany) with
Card Number: 12345 and Pin Number:123, then:

After that Fin Account available balance will be 1000. You can check this here: - field "Available Balance".

Then you are ready to create order and to specify the GC as a payment method.

A tip from Rashko Rejmer

Ajax : Disable Browser Cache for Module

A tip from Krzysztof Podejma

Ajax : Integrate OFBiz with Yui-Ext

A tip from Jason Wu

Patch on Windows

Creating patches

Using Eclipse => Subclipse (Create Patch, Apply Patch context menu options)

Using Toirtoise from Files Explorer (Create Patch, Apply Patch context menu options)

Making a diff with subversion on command line : svn di fileName > filename.patch

I let you find the tools (Eclipse/Subclipse, Tortoise, Subversion client, patch.exe, todos.exe with google ;o)

Applying patches

To patch on Windows you have to download patch.exe. But you may encouter EOL problems with patch.exe.

That's why I prefer to use Tortoise's "Apply Patch" option in a 1st step. Tortoise is the best SVN and CVS UI existing, either on Linux or Windows. Besides Tortoise comes from Tigris too.
Then if I get problems with Tortoise (or Eclipse's "Apply Patch" option wich is near Tortoise for patching but less supple for this option and far more ingeneral) I use the patch command. Something to understand is that Tortoise actually use "SVN merge" so in certains cases problems arise.
To avoid EOL problems with the patch command, I use a bat file patchdos.bat :

todos %1
patch -p0 < %1

where todos is and exe to download (search with Google). Of course you will have to deal with path. But at this stage I guess it's easy...

 I just learned from that the "--binary" option may be used in that case, did no try yet...

Run OFBiz as a Windows service

  • You need JavaService.exeThis is freely available at
    Documentation and example code are also available
    Unzip the (or
  • Where should the expanded files be located?
    Set up and run your script with the appropriate path. Ex:
    javaservice -install OFBiz %java_home%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll -Xms256M -Xmx512M
    -start org.ofbiz.base.start.Start
    -out %ofbiz_home%\logs\serviceLog.txt
    -err %ofbiz_home%\logs\serviceErr.txt
    -current %ofbiz_home%

Note: If your java sdk is installed under a directory with a space in it, the service will install, but not start properly, unless you change java_home to the DOS 8.3 name. For example, if your java sdk is installed in C:\Program Files\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_xx then you would set java_home=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_xx* Go to the win2k services app and you should now find a service 'OFBiz' set up to run manually (this of course can be changed to run automatically if so desired).

  • Alternatively, the service can be started with the command:net start OFBiz
  • And the service can then be stopped with the command:net stop OFBiz

Advice from  enki_ at There is an alternative to this solution : How to Run OFBiz as Windows Service with Java Service Wrapper

Some Selenium tips

Due to some license issues with external libraries used in Selenium we cannot include this in the Apache trunk. However, a new component has been created which is free to download and use, but lives in an ofbizext repository. Drop this in hot-deploy. If you want to know more, please look at

1) For running "successive" test cases I used browser "Refresh" button but I think there might be some better option to handle this. Is there any option exists in Selenium IDE ?
If you want to chain execution of different tests, there is the notion of test suite. A list of tests to run one after the other (see;content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=neogia)

Otherwise if you just want to replay the same test in a loop, I'm not aware of a such feature in selenium. Bur if the loop is finite, you can achieve a similar result by using a test suite that refers x times the same test.2) Suppose I have a condition to create the new user each time. As I can put the value of user login say "user1" for the first time but when this test case runs second time it generates error (It hangs up in between). So Is there any option to put a "counter" or Javascript code
in the Test cases so I could create the "user2" when this test case runs second time ??
The general problem behind you issue is how to run a test multiple times wihtout risking duplicated primary keys or having to remove all data created by the test.

One solution is to always create business objects with different identifiers. Selenium provides a nice feature to do that: you can define variables during the test execution and use them anywhere in the test script after their creation.

Here an example based on one of my test (;content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=neogia)

<!-- create a variable named uid that contains an unique identifier -->
       <td>javascript{(new Date()).getTime() % 10000}</td>
<!-- use of the variable named uid to fill a form entry -->

3) What is the difference between click and clickAndWait ? I would like to understand why I'm getting different behaviors from click and clickAndWait functions. Here is the scenario: I want to perform the login and then verify some text on the page (what should be pretty straight forward...) My first approach was  using the clickfunction + pause function. Something like below:


The approach above worked fine and I was able to proceed with my test. However, I was looking the clickAndWait functionality and, per my understanding, this function should have a simlar behavior to my code above.. then I wrote the following:


The code above is getting a "Permission Denied" message. I already check the URLs and I'm not launching a different domain (before I click I have http://domain/Login/ and after the submission I have http://domain/App/).

I think the right solution is to use clickAndWait command instead of click+pause because it always success contrary to click+pause (we dont known the page response time). I see no reason why you don't observe the same behavior with clickAndWait. Maybe it's because your are testing the login page that can be a little tricky to test due to the session handling.
To be sure to always start a test in a clean session, my tests always do the same actions :
1. logoff
2. login
3. check error
Here, an example of my standard login procedure under selenium  from (;content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=neogia)

<!-- Begin of standard login procedure -->
<!-- End of standard login procedure -->

Advices from Peter Goron

How to troubleshoot SQL Errors

If you receive an SQL error in ofbiz, it doesn't show the error from the database itself.  Instead, it shows a general error which isn't neccessarily clear.  Run the SQL directly on the database get a more helpful error message.

How to connect to an External Database

  1. Create entity definitions for the external database like you would for an OFBiz entity (except use the no-auto-stamp="true" attribute).
  2. Assign the entities to a different group (in entitygroup.xml), "advertpro" for example.
  3. Assign the "mysql-advertpro" datasource the the default delegator: <group-map group-name="myExternalDB" datasource-name="myExternalDB"/>
  4. Use the delegator to access the external database.
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