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VAT requirements

Please write requirements of Your country here . Please check which are fulfilled and how it is done

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Common EU requirements

1. Tax Code of Seller and buyer on Invoice

Implemented see OFBIZ-362

2. Prices with VAT in webshop

Implemented but some issues OFBIZ-1086. In France this is required : you must show your prices VAT included if you are selling to public (B2C). When you sell to professionals (B2B), by usage, you show that your prices are VAT excluded.

3. Configuration of VAT GL Account

Is it done ? Should it be per rate - different accounts for collected and duty tax for each rate ?

See point 7. We need at least an incoming tax (sales) GLAccount and an outgoing tax (purchase) GLAccount.

4. Discounts applied per line

Currently OFbiz applies global discount on invoice level. This is not valid for VAT. For VAT amount for each line must be known, so discounts have to be applied per line.

5. Reporting

 In some countries (Poland,Italy, France, more ?) there is need for monthly or quaterly VAT report with all sales and purchases. Reports can be separated per "Registry". Each registry contains separate type of transactions. E.G  EU sales, EU buys, Non EU Buys, Non EU Sells.

 6. Dates

There is not always direct connection between invoice date and VAT. E.g in Poland if purchase invoice is received more than 2 months from purchase it will not decrease amount of VAT to be paid. Same in France, must be the same month, but you may regularise in a delay of 2 years. 

Some invoices can be not valid.

For Export invoice there can be requirement for document which will confirm that goods has been exported (to apply 0% VAT)

 7. Purchase order VAT

I will implement this shortly the following way: (have a customer who wants it)

1. add a second glAccountId for outgoing tax to the
2. adjust the programs to calculate the vat (sales tax) on purchase
orders the same way as sales orders, but use for the productstoreId a
blank entry.

8. Shipment cost VAT

 Shipment cost should be VAT aware (amounts should be splitted  for netto + VAT on invoices). There is a field for that in Tax Autorithies/Product Rate : TaxAuthorityRateProduct.taxShipping. But shipping amounts are no VAT splitted.

9. Rounding

Requirements by region

France VAT link there are many other languages links from this link, very interesting




Dicounts applied per line



Ofbiz supports invoice level discounts. This is not valid for VAT. For VAT, amount for each line must be known, so discounts
have to be recalculated for each line.




yes ?



yes ?




in general it's applied per VAT rate, but without rounding that's the same;
important: rounding may only take place one time per VAT rate
(after all calc. VAT amounts are summed up for that rate)









Some products can have different tax rate when selling to different type of customer. E.g. In Poland flat/house renting is 0% for individual
customer but 22% when renting for company. This is usually handled by creating different products for different VAT rates.



Has different VAT rates, for different type of goods Official EU document Wikipedia (could be more updated than EU document)



food 7% others 19%



2.1%, 5.5% 19.6%



Apply VAT for sales in INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION country Official EU document





Apply VAT for sales outside EU



buyer may get VAT back from German Customs Auth. when he proves, that goods leave Germany (or EU?)
not sure about that one.



There are some exceptions with DOM-TOM (no metropolitan territories) and electricity.
See for details, notably about services
which can be complex


no: goods
complex : services




Apply VAT for sales outside INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION country && inside EU && with valid VAT ID (B2B)



INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION may have to proof that goods left Germany (for Tax Auth.)



Found no such requirement in France but sounds weird



In Poland there is also need for spedition document to have proof that goods left Poland



Apply VAT for sales outside INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION country && inside EU && without valid VAT ID (B2C)












Apply VAT for purchases like sales






Invoices requirements

UK requirements (from this interesting thread. We should check if OFBiz is OK, I guess so but maybe some quirks)
VAT invoices must show:

  •   an identifying number;
  •   your name, address and VAT registration number;
  •   the time of supply (tax point);
  •   date of issue (if different to the time of supply);
  •   your customer's name (or trading name) and address;
  •   the type of supply (see 16.3.2 below); and
  •   a description which identifies the goods or services supplied.

For each description, you must show:

  •   the quantity of goods or extent of the services;
  •   the charge made, excluding VAT;
  •   the rate of VAT;
  •   the total charge made, excluding VAT;
  •   the rate of any cash discount offered;
  •   each rate of VAT charged and the amount of VAT charged at each rate and shown in sterling; and
  •   the total amount of VAT charged, shown in sterling.

  • No labels