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This page will serve as an ongoing list of proposed Roadmap Items.  These items will get voted on and moved into JIRA once a community concensus has been reached.  Hopefully this approach will help protect the project from quick fixes that make further development dificult.  I would like to use the following approach.  Propose an imporovement/ change to OFBiz, put your name at the end of the line of the change you're proposing.  If someone else believes there's something that could come of the propossal, the second person adds a page and changes the status from Proposed to Seconded or something like that.

  • Proposed:  Move permission checks from simple-methods to service definitions where appropriate
  • Proposed:  Move beanshell scripts into simple methods (even if it's just as call-bsh tags) to help promote the use of minilang and it's error handling benefits over beanshell
  • Proposed:  Refactor Product Group Entities
  • Proposed:  Refactor Order Group Entites
  • Proposed:  Remove Return Entities in favor of a RETURN_ORDER OrderType
  • Proposed:  Create *Role handling capabilities much like *Status capability exists.  (eg have entity handle definitions on Roles to limit number of parties that can have the role) This will help eliminate the multitude of approaches to handling party interaction with entities.
  • Proposed:  Modularize Everything
  • Proposed:  Remove Denormalized fields from entities (ie OrderHeader.statusId) and move them into a related Entity that tracks this denormalized data.  Be sure to create view-entity between the to maintain ease of programming.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Hi Chris,

    Only one is more or less implemented

    • Move permission checks from simple-methods to service definitions where appropriate

    Why not ask again for 5.0 (wink)